Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wilderness Electric Vehicles!
This is the least expensive, simplest electric car conversion kit we offer.....and for that matter its lowest price possible on the market, we believe. The cost for this kit is $2280 + shipping. All of our kits include everything needed, except batteries and racks, to be up and running in a matter of hours upon recieving the components.

La forza della discontinuità per liberarsi dalla zavorra
sebbene la nostra finanza pubblica l'abbia fronteggiata con maggiore rigore rispetto ad altri Paesi, non c'è da stupirsi se i mercati finanziari ci attaccano: la debolezza della nostra crescita ne è il motivo.
Il debito sovrano europeo è così grande che non può essere preso in carico da nessuna istituzione, nazionale o sovranazionale.
L'unica valida nel lungo termine è rappresentata dalla crescita dell'economia reale, che consente di ripagare il debito e, nei casi più gravi, di circoscrivere e dare una prospettiva alle eventuali ristrutturazioni.
Senza crescita reale non c'è rimedio. Ecco perché l'Italia, risparmiatrice e finanziariamente più sana di altri Stati, non riscuote la fiducia dei mercati. La percezione è che il Paese non aggredisce, con sufficiente determinazione, gli intralci a tutti noti che soprattutto negli ultimi dieci anni ne hanno impedito la crescita. I mercati esprimono una sfiducia che guarda al lungo termine, ma la speculazione, intesa in senso tecnico, ne presenta il conto in termini immediati, con rialzi dei tassi e difficoltà di finanziamento che potrebbero determinare un collasso rapido.
la zavorra è troppa, gli impedimenti immotivati sono paralizzanti. E rischiano di allontanare le imprese e le persone migliori o di affondare quelle che rimangono. La tassazione sul lavoro e sulle imprese legali rimane eccessiva, così come simmetricamente rimangono eccessivi i costi della politica e della pubblica amministrazione allargata, comprensiva cioè delle imprese a controllo pubblico, specie locale, e della sfera che queste governano. I mercati non hanno considerato abbastanza significativa, o credibile, una manovra che rimanda alla prossima legislatura i sacrifici più dolorosi, e forse non ha giovato che si sia trovato un accordo per mantenere le province e che una possibile novità consista nel duplicare uffici ministeriali in giro per l'Italia: l'impressione è che la politica non rinunci a nessuna clientela e che anzi non perda occasione per aggregarne delle nuove.
I nove impegni per la crescita proposti dal Sole 24 Ore vanno in quella direzione. Persino quello forse più impopolare: la pensione a 70 anni (impegno 2). Non solo un grande risparmio per l'Inps, ma anche un volume rilevantissimo di ore di lavoro, ossia di utilità reale aggiuntiva.
A patto che non rubi posti di lavoro ai giovani, che si possono creare se il risparmio si traduce in minore tassazione del lavoro e delle attività produttive (impegno 1); auspicabilmente introducendo il principio che lavorare più a lungo, come oggi la vita consente, non significa necessariamente nelle stesse mansioni, che andrebbero trasmesse a persone più giovani e presumibilmente più efficaci, e che quindi il lavoro dei non più giovani, come quello femminile, possa costituire una risorsa se adeguatamente gestito.
parlano di un Paese più orientato a servire i cittadini e in cui chi produce di più e meglio viene premiato.
Le parti sociali si sono date il coraggio di innovare anche nelle relazioni industriali: un terreno delicato, che esse hanno il diritto e il dovere di esplorare in autonomia, ma dove è anche necessario che poi le istituzioni, in attuazione della Costituzione, formulino cornici regolatorie attendibili.
the rigor possibly, in "some" of the administration, but the issue goes further
a "rigorous" "useless" administration may even be worse that no administration at all
it is the problem of the "efficient idiots" so brilliantly exposed by Count Metternich
it is a benediction that certain parts of the administration may be inefficient
fact that limits the damage they can cause
the weakness of growth may have been significant before the oil peak age
we lost a decade of business revenues due to inefficiency
"but" after the beginning of the post peak age
"growth" does not have a significance any longer, is "irrelevant"
in the traditional perception of production and consumption
the debt is so large because of "interest"
still relevant in the model "preceding peak oil"
but due to explode
because the two curves are "logarithmic" and "diverging"
the alternatives are "incompatible"
now there are the two alternatives
keep the interest and make a third war war
killing 90% of population to realign energy for 10 years, before the next one
(keep in mind that you may disappear with your entire country in such war)
"or" "redefine" a "sustainable" economic model
where the world "interest" has no profit connotation
and the world "currency" is replaced by 90 days energy certificates
you can forget about long term "growth"
"the stone age did not end because we ran out of stones"
ever heard the expression "the bottom of the barrel" ?
the only growth of markets is in the paper pushing business
usury interest, speculation and inflation, no "real" economy growth is related
the "perception" corresponds "one to one" to the "factual reality"
here we also have the ones talking about "growth" "but" also doing "something" of what is needed
even in the US where it seems nothing can be accomplished
because of the tyranny of the godly bankster holy crooks cartel things are happening:
-small nuclear market, brand new, just invented
-solar panels and efficient heat pumps rebates for every citizen
-low consumption lighting, "everywhere"
-look at the pictures in previous posts, they tell you what aviation does
-maritime industry is following
-railroads up, road transport down
-Chrysler, god of the 6 liters engines, converts to Fiat 500
-public employees at state and federal level have now one day a week extra "unpaid" vacation
-schools are concentrating programs, a trimester (same hours of lessons) is done in 2 months
-food banks everywhere (free food, they don't charge interest nor principal despite the name)
-transit converting buses to diesel and methane
-unemployed people back in school, with loans or grants
-factual couples regularization (produces increased tax revenues)
now somebody should show us what has Italy accomplished in these two-three years "since peak oil", besides arguing of crucifixes, ministry addresses and organizing parties and grand investigations, pretty much all ending into nothing done
the collapse is not "rapid", is "instant"
at the question "how did you go bankrupt ?" Hemingway answered:
"slowly, then suddenly"
is the game of the chair
the music stops, somebody does not have a chair any longer
the music stopped, not in the "unsafe" "predictable"
but in the "safe" market, the "unpredictable", real estate collapsed almost overnight
"the black swan" effect
now this in the US in 2007, different places and times have each its own outcome
that is really the point, actually it is even worse
the "system itself" is a dead weight
in emergency circumstances as the current
it would take a constituency to rewrite all the codes from scratch (except the war codes)
and eliminate entirely the useless presence of "authorization"
while maintaining rules and enforcement
"only" where pertaining
it is not the business of a government to regulate crimes with no victims
it is not the business of a government to regulate people expression
it is not the business of a government to regulate freedom of enterprise
it is the "duty" of the government to protect the country from foreign speculation
it is the "duty" of the government to protect military the country and maintain public order
it is the "duty" of the government to protect the citizen basic rights such as food and health
it is the "duty" of the government to protect the citizen from racketeering of various nature
it is the "duty" of the government to protect the resources of the country, limiting the
private sphere of action to where it makes objective, scientific sense on planetary scale
from financial skims, lobbies, religions and other sort of rackets
"eventually" disputes on other matters can be discussed case by case by mediation
the retirement age at 70 "will" take away jobs from young people
mathematics is not an opinion
we are already a geriatric society
and we want to make it "more" geriatric
it will also permit higher debt with a system of parasites called banks
and it will "not" solve the problem of bankruptcy, only delay it of two/three years "at the most"
the solution is acceptable in voluntary base, but on compulsory base is a fraud
at this point it would be more serious to nationalize the banking system
and revoke all banking licenses to foreign institutions
there is no reason to reward he who produces more
unless we are talking about food, for anything else
there is only a reason to reward he who produces "better" or "more efficient"
in a world out of resources, quantitative efficiency is dementia
we are back to Count Metternich
sure, rewrite all the codes
re-certify with a state exam all the attorneys and magistrates
set the usury rate at 3%
revoke banking licenses to all foreign banks
nationalize all domestic banks
implement 90 days energy value based currency
it is "obvious" that the monetary society of "growth" has to collapse
anybody in good faith would not state otherwise
"peak oil" translates into "peak food"
ever heard the expression "green agriculture" ?
the options available are do what is needed while there is order
and keep some significance in the new system
or wait for the default
and let a revolution do it
if you are confident of keeping your head
Lo stato di Internet secondo Akamai:
Italia fra gli Stati più "lenti" d'Europa
litigi e contese fra operatori, legati anche alla particolare posizione di quasi monopolio di Telecom, non hanno consentito finora di sbloccare la situazione, e il progressivo taglio deli stanziamenti governativi che dovevano favorire la diffusione della banda larga non ha certo aiutato; col risultato di danneggiare in prospettiva anche la nostra economia, visto che disporre di una connessione iperveloce significa poter accedere a tutta una serie di nuove opportunità di business.
siamo nei primi dieci come centro di origine di attacchi informatici da rete fissa e addirittura al primo posto per quanto riguarda gli attacchi da rete mobile.
nothing to be surprised
the interests of the sinners and the forgivers of the sinners
always come first
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Solar sail ship
add two more lines of sails at 65 degrees on each side
and a couple spin/gen ahead of the fore
and you have a pretty interesting solution

P-791 hybrid airship project
Skunk Works managed to test fly the P-791 two years earlier. Although just a testbed for future development, P-791 successors can be used in the future for a number of applications such as delivery of fighting units in a theater of operations or as a weapons/sensor/communications platform capable of operating for long periods of time. The test flight was just a short traffic circuit around the Palmdale Air Force Plant 42 airport and Lockheed did not want to comment the flight.
Airships have great potential for transporting cargo but their use has declined after a series of accidents, one of the most famous of which was the 1937 Hindenburg disaster. Another reason for their decline is the delicate ground handling and relatively high vulnerability to meteorological conditions.The P-791 is an independent research and development program initiated by Skunk Works to better understand the capabilities and to try to solve the numerous problems faced by operating large airships.
the cargo is doing really good

Lockheed Martin's prototype blimp crashes during maiden voyage
The High Altitude Airship prototype's maiden voyage this morning did not end well. The high-tech, unmanned airship crashed in a controlled descent in Western Pennsylvania when something went awry within hours of it taking off from Akron.
Lockheed Martin and the military on Monday announced that they expected the HALE-D to fly within seven to 10 days, weather permitting.
well, 10 days is no big deal

missile detection system POD
another interesting solution
a missile detection POD in a solar powered airship RPV
could practically stay there at zero cost
for an unlimited time

personal air transport, solar ship
which by the way could be the possible recce RPV of the future
adding a couple of technologies
such as invisibility
a nice idea of research also transparency
Friday, July 29, 2011
Il futurista in edicola: La politica è altrove
partiti divenuti ormai organismi autoreferenziali di stampo medievale, staccati dalla società, mentre la polis rinasce tra i cittadini, con i movimenti, le associazioni, i comitati
lo “scandalo della mitezza”, antidoto a una politica urlata seguendo le orme di Bobbio, Pasolini e Spinoza
seems nice from the description
we hope that it does not look like the similar phenomena in the US
that smells of parsonage and has as only objective
the usual supremacy of the godly bully-ism of the usual holy skim racket
well, Bobbio and Pasolini, even if writers of a certain thickness
don't come even close to the genius of Spinoza
sounds amazing the parallel
400 years later looks like religions still fear Spinoza ghost
and are scared as hell by Spinoza theories
probably because they had to revise so much in their fantasy stories
pretty much every other day for centuries
while Spinoza vision is so simple and so "modern"
and has not even reached the masses, "yet"
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Usa, il rischio default spacca i repubblicani McCain ai Tea Party: "Sono solo dei pazzi"
L'attacco di McCain ai Tea Party: sono dei pazzi In un intervento al Senato, l’ex candidato repubblicano alla Casa Bianca ha definito stupido e ingannevole far credere che una modifica della Costituzione per rendere obbligatorio il pareggio di bilancio quando si rende necessario innalzare il tetto del debito possa essere approvata dal Congresso in tempi brevi. "Ciò che è davvero stupefacente è che qualche senatore possa credere che questa misura possa passare al vaglio del Senato nella sua attuale composizione" a maggioranza democratica, ha affermato McCain, "questo è peggio che stupido, è ingannare molti dei nostri elettori".
all playing games
"one payee medical system" would have solved the issue of medicare
but the obstructionism of the GOP to favor wall street banksters interest
made so impossible
it is obviously more "convenient" for the puppets of Jekyll island
to attack social security
it is just a farce
they want cuts, cut down the government, here:
-half senators
-half congressmen
-half public (useless) agencies
-close down a useless opium war
-many more
there is plenty to cut, but the political class has proven to be just
a collection of puppets in the pockets of wall street Jekyll island interest
robin hood in reverse that starves the poor to make churches, banks and politics fat
the US practice where the powerful squeezes money from the little guy
looks more like the Sicilian garbage bins racket
than the great democracy it would like to be, and possibly at one time was
before the holy Jekyll island christo nazi mafio bolshevick silent coup
"Patrimonio d'Italia" il marchio che difende i "tesori" del Paese
trova nel marchio "la speranza in un futuro diverso"
well, the reunification was successful in making Italy
but was a failure on making the Italian
a good size of the country could have prospered with tourism
if the middle age holy cast was somewhere else
as it stand the idea is a patch to get by for a bit longer
good for the time left, but of dubious long term stability
in 1943 tourism was not one of the hottest activities in central Europe
unless you consider concentration camps tourism
the real problem of tourism as everything else in Italy
is the discouraging cost of a useless middle age holy bureaucratization
of every insignificant detail
for the glory of the holy cast
on the other ends, in about 100 years
by the end of the oil economy
the future asset of the republic
is possibly to become formally again the holy state of the pope king
supposed the hordes of the modern barbarians
don't come in cleansing this farce first
looking at it from this angle
a holy coup of the holy black nobility
and its holy secret societies
seems the most probable outcome
marking the end of the limited sovereignty republic
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Ecco l’onda illiberale che sommerge la cultura
Ammettiamo pure che il gusto dominante, nelle nostre società, sia di parecchio peggiorato. I dati di vendita forniscono indicazioni circa il gradimento presso i consumatori. Ognuno ha diritto alle proprie preferenze, e ognuno ha diritto a cercare di cambiare le preferenze del suo prossimo. La diffusione della cultura, oggi come ieri, è un atto militante, tende alla «conquista» del lettore, non la rifiuta come un compromesso.
Che cos’è la «decrescita felice» se non una dichiarazione d’indifferenza per le sorti dei prodotti editoriali? E che cos’è l’indifferenza per le sorti di un prodotto editoriale se non una forma di disprezzo per il lettore?
L’ economia è una scienza lugubre, ma una cosa dovrebbe avercela insegnata. Un’industria che sceglie di disinteressarsi dei propri consumatori non ha futuro.
it is as usual the effect of submission
to the offer that can not be refused monopoly
the modern interpretation of "market" is monopoly
monopolize the offer so that the chicken brain picks its "preferences"
monopolize the offer so that the interest of the producer prevails
over the interest of the world population
on this type of market, the definition "free"
applies only to multinationals free to brainwash and rob governments and people
there is nothing liberal or libertarian in this situation
the first rule of libertarian theory is the "government policemen"
the "multinational bandits racket" is not part of any classic libertarian theory
the "religious crime cartel" is not part of any classic libertarian theory
the "governance submitted to corruption" is not part of any classic libertarian theory
economy was designed to be submitted to governance
as empiric knowledge over rational distribution
economics have usurped the legitimates powers of society
as a racket of distribution benefiting themselves
with the help of the betrayers of their countries and their people
corrupted religions and corrupted politics
neither an industry as it is our days
nor the concept of "consumer" have a future
the best that can come out of the two is to become both "consumed"
in terms of "negative growth", happy or not
there is no other option
a system that has some common sense
should replace currency with energy units expiring in 90 days
tear down the "consumers" show
limit endothermic power to strategic sectors
and move to logistic production of 100 years lasting items in lifespan
with no other power than solar, wind, tides or geothermal
the rest "taboo", "strategic reserves"
for railroads, navigation and agriculture
start recycling cars, trucks and airplanes
before it may be too late
oh, actually there is an alternative
and there is nothing liberal nor libertarian about it
it would be a "holy war", the "holy IIIrd world war"
get 6 billion people killed
and the world will stay the same as usual
ran by the three big pigs
the priest, the banker and the politician
under the fantasy super pig in the sky
forgiving their sins
'It Was Always Understood the European System Would Evolve'
In retrospect, it is clear that a currency union requires more attention to the fiscal policies of the member countries than was provided. More central capacities to address issues in the financial system are required. But it was always understood that the European system would evolve through events and that is what is happening right now.
all the political support in the world will not repeal the laws of economic arithmetic
In any financial crisis, one has to recognize that just vengeance and the promotion of confidence are likely to be in conflict. As a consequence, just as in successful wars, there are unintended victims. In successful bailouts or support programs, there are unintended and maybe even unjust beneficiaries. So the challenge is not simply a moral one of assuring that those who have invested badly are punished. It is also a deeply pragmatic one of assuring that financial systems continue to function, that economies continue to grow and that stability is maintained. Policy judgments have to reflect both those imperatives. And usually it will be found that the desire to punish is insufficient as a primary guide to policy.
I think responsible Italian officials would be the first to recognize that there is a great deal that Italy has to address in both the fiscal and the structural area, given the difficulties the Italian economy has had in generating growth over the last 15 years. At the same time, most market observers would agree that there are elements of psychology, of crowd following and of contagion reflected in developments in Italy over the last several months.
There is also no question that, given the magnitude of Germany's current trade surplus and the strength its economy has derived from exports, the country has benefited enormously from the workings of European integration. It is important to remember that not every nation can run a trade surplus, and that if some nations adjust towards surpluses in order to repay debts, it will be necessary for other nations to reduce their surpluses or even move into deficit. And so I think it will be important for the German economy in particular to recognize that the counterpart of less deficit and borrowing in some parts of Europe will have to be less surplus and saving in other parts of Europe.
I do not think there is any question the United States has serious structural fiscal problems that have to be addressed. But I find the behavior of those who take the creditworthiness of the country as hostage to drive a particular political agenda almost inexplicable. It is one thing to not pay debts because you cannot. It is a very different thing to not pay taxes because you default. Those who want to accept a default are taking great risks with the potential consequences for American borrowing costs or the integrity of the American financial institutions.
The US federal tax collections are in the 15 percent range, an historical low -- even as health care costs trend upwards, even as the society ages, even as the world becomes a more dangerous place, even as debt burdens and the associated interest payments have increased. So, I cannot imagine how to sustain any form of fiscal responsibility at the current tax levels. Government revenues need to increase.
The decision seven months ago to extend the tax cuts for two more years was a very appropriate one in the context of an economy that has not yet reached the kind of escape philosophy from recession that one hopes for. Without this decision to provide for payroll tax cuts, which was part of the deal, we might well have been looking at the risk of a double-dip recession now.
We need to be focused on the jobs deficit as much as we need to be focused on the budget deficit. For the immediate future, our concern has to be strengthening demand. By strengthening demand you improve the performance of the economy and put people back to work.
Summers: There should be a set of measures, whether you want to call it a stimulus or not. I think the payroll tax cuts should be extended. I believe the country is badly underinvesting in infrastructure. We are not even spending enough on basic road maintenance. There is also a strong case for state and local governments to be supported at a time when many kids only go to school four days a week because the funding for schools has been cut so much.
Summers: That is a huge problem. The longer this downturn is perpetuated, people who are out of work for a long time might lose their qualifications. And it is a huge structural problem: A statistical projection based on current trends suggests that one out every five men between the age of 25 and 54 will be out of work after the economy has fully recovered.
Summers: In some sectors and parts of the country we have indeed seen significant reductions of labor costs. Ultimately, it is important to remember that the vast majority of new jobs in the American economy will be in the service sector. Manufacturing is going through the transition agriculture went through in the 1920s in which tremendous technological progress is enabling us to produce more and more with less and less people.
Summers: History suggests that presidents are re-elected not on the basis of any single indicator but on the basis of whether the country feels that they have a strategy and are taking the nation forward. Voters also compare that vision with that of the opposition. And while it may be hard for some people to see, President Obama averted what could have been a financial catastrophe and he has moved the country forward in important areas like health care or financial reform. So I am very optimistic about his political future.
Summers: There is no question that the ability of those with ideas to leverage them in the global economy has contributed to rising inequality and to more rewards for those very few with great ideas -- and less progress for average Americans. That is why universal access to health care or creating a financial system that protects middle class Americans have been such important achievements of the Obama administration.
the failure to be looked upon has been the choice of avoiding
to maintain the most of the debt within the community
due to the conflict of interest
of the "silent coup" of politicians in the pockets of bankers
it is a "clear" example of why the European monetary policy is a circus
a lack of consolidated community certificates has done the rest of the disaster
some of the central banks are privatized, so the "cancer"
has reached the control at the core
the effect of a Jekyll island like approach over a country is visible in the US
the privatization of central banks in Europe should have never been permitted
but maybe this scenario will be understood in Europe too one of this days
all is missing to make it clear is the assassination of a king or a president
unless the scalpel cuts the cancer before we get there
economics is not a science
economy at the best is empirical knowledge
and at the worse is a cult like religion,
not surprisingly as deceptive and as bloody
the laws of economics did not count so much on the sinking titanic
they only counted some place else, in wall street
the laws of economics tell us that five other planets should solve our problem
for now, the number is due to grow in future demand and "growth"
but looking is not like finding them on time
the same way as "believing" is not the same as "knowing"
that is really the point
in a close system nothing is made out of thin air
while it is in economics, physics don't have central bankers
that multiply fishes like the carpenter, and charge the public cow in inflation
if currency is a measure of value of energy
if the total energy in the system is decreasing
and the demand is increasing
in a "normal" situation
the "market" would adjust the balance
but "peak oil" is not a "normal situation"
(by the way we thank all the US institutions for 30 years of lies on peak oil)
somebody has defined peak oil
as "the most severe challenge humanity ever faced since being on earth"
"growing" is not a "reasonable" option any longer
the surgeon does not help the patient cancer "growing", or at least he should not
it is time to overhaul the financial system
it will collapse by itself before 2020 anyhow
unless some fool figures out a planetary genocide
the financial system, a Sumeria heritage, is obsolete
it has been proven that governments
use the financial system against their employers, "the citizens"
it has been proven that governments have facilitated predatory racketeering practices
it has been proven that banks defrauded governments and people worldwide
those are at this time historical "facts" not opinions
"and more may emerge"
Italy is locked in a godly middle age social model
with two political equally godly lines of opinions,
one a godly social-Bolshevist racket the other a godly social-Nazi racket
controlled from the top by the godly Christos-socialism racket
of the white guy king with a skirt and his holy secret societies and holy banks
changes in Italy only happen with wars and revolutions
and only last for a couple of decades
until the corruption of the forgiven sinners
allied with the forgivers of the sins
re-establish their racket
I am not very optimistic about Italy sort
it most likely will be civil war, more or less holy
Italy is some sort of a more solid holy south american republic
but still with the same type of arbitrary regime of an African one
pretty much ran as the cauliflower racket in Brecht work
everybody would expect that Germany would have wanted to pursue
a type of monetary policy to keep the Euro low enough
to keep them and their debtors competitive
everybody would expect that Germany would want to re-engineer
a Europe modeled after a resource based society and a logistic system
Germany still carries the sores of the cost of the reunification
and has a social democratic conscience
where in America "anything social is evil"
now in a projected spiraling world economy of the post peak oil age
there seems to be no reason to cut what works, and introduce what does not
just to please the wall street and indigenous banksters
given the above, some of the resistance on keeping low the Euro is quite surprising
but guess the bankers "interest" is "more equal" than the one of the people
we will see
the fiscal problem in the US is really serious
but it is nothing else than the result of brainwashing the people of falsities
at the end you get back what you put in it
that's how we have now a youth of criminals
and one third of active population unemployed or under-employed
all "planned", the racket of the police state needs more customers
for the oil lobby appropriation contracts
the racket of the bank cartel, needs more "interest"
if 55% City Bank practice in Buenos Aires is not usury, what is usury ?
this is the only place in the presumably "civilized" word
where they let people die in a street
because they can't afford paying wall street the skim on medical profits
this is the only place in the planet where the more you make
and the least you pay in taxes, all that "legally"
US corporations practically pay zero taxes
and collect a skim of fiscal revenue kickbacks under different other schemes
"free market" my donkey, this is legalized dumping, with "plausible denial'
this is not the only place, the other is Italy
where "tax exempt" religions are a business racket financed by the taxpayer
nice, so "godly"
cut grandma pension, give three trillions more to the banksters
and keep all this church and bonuses parasites fat
a picture worth a thousand words
possibly in the last 30 years no single job has been created by tax cuts
but the actor created ten thousand mac Donald jobs
now we may create another ten thousand minimum wage call center jobs
so far tax cuts produced slavery, illegal immigration and unemployment
think US in the 80s, think now, please feel free to compare
the only thing tax cuts have created in 30 years is "misery"
"taking the creditworthiness of the country as hostage"
seems more and more similar to a known past stance of "plausible denial"
is either a farce, where both agree and are just pretending
or something serious is cooking
and after the events of the last decade
a Latin America style "coup" in the US would not be "so" surprising
or it could be both,
just that one of the two does not know about the real intention of the other
cave canes
we shall see soon
infrastructure is critical
especially dams, bridges and levies
but the most "puzzling" part of it, is the number of "useless" projects announced
versus the evident lack of needed maintenance of existing infrastructure
that points in my humble opinion to the usual "corporate welfare"
of the society of socialization of the losses and privatization of the profits
nothing new should be built in infrastructure
if not to replace something collapsed, for ten years
in 2020 then the picture will be more clear
what it needs to be done, is do the right maintenance to the existing infrastructure
Katrina anybody ?
here an example, instead, of "smart projects"
building new airports after peak oil would sound stupid even to a toddler
is quite amazing it does not in the political circles
nobody notices airlines scrapping the bottom of the barrel
and going bankrupt like mushrooms ? we need more airports ? , please
the issue of jobs is not approached in the right direction either
it seems that the generalized tendency is to apply theories of a system in expansion
to a system in contraction, does not seem to work that way
the historical reality is that before the age of oil
in the age of steam engines
95% of the population was self employed
but nobody seems to see a discrepancy there
why not encourage self employment with micro grants
why not build on local artisan tribal economy
instead than indoctrinate people for months in resume compilation classes
"mobility" is not guaranteed
we are constantly running at 30 days from the bottom of the barrel
a sunk supertanker can shake the country'
why not give incentive's for telecommuting ?
while giant egos are commonly found on this market
"mobility" is not guaranteed, as said
we are constantly running at 30 days from the bottom of the barrel
the answer seems obscure, maybe because most of the public sector
has no clue of business enterprise ? not sure again ...
not sure if he may be reelected, nor if somebody like Clinton would make it
Kucinich is smart, but unless he converts to Presbyterian
nobody will take him seriously in the nation under god
they are still complaining they elected Kennedy 50 years ago
apparently the Kristian Koalition Klan does not like Catholics either
maybe Bernie Sanders should run
in the facts, the Obama administration has pretty much solved
less than half of half the promises
on the other hands has given a taste to the public of some benefits
in a progressive vision of society
in a time where the disillusion has taken over
and the credibility of the political class is close to zero
in the mind of the electorate
in the world of the blind the one who has one eye is the king
doubt one of the current republican may be elected
so far have not seen one with common sense
the only exception probably Romney
a couple of people with ideas like McCain and Ron Paul are not going anywhere
their party friends would rather vote democrat than for them
Romney is probably the only one to have a chance
unless the party forces him to run with some wacko bimbo
then he is not going anywhere either
-the administration can be credited with saving the country economy and rating
from another 1929 stock exchange crash if some of this "budget play games republicans" were there, nobody knows
-the administration can be credited with one fifth of an health reform there is a long way to go
-the administration can be credited with going in a democratic direction
in pursuing civil liberties actions, such as resolving the issue of
sex preferences in the military and rights of de facto relations
-the administration has failed in restoring the habeas corpus, which itself
is a violation of its constitutional mandate
-the administration has failed in restoring mandatory application of the
Geneva convention, with so endangering and exposing its military to undue
further risks of torture whereas the international unspoken rule is "reciprocity",
and in so violating also an international treaty it has ratified
-the administration can be credited with introducing stimulus and funding for
improved programs of retraining for the workforce, most likely the partial
and stagnant recovery is a result of such policies
-the administration has failed in containing excessive useless "security" spending and excessive loss of rights of citizens, particularly and specifically permitting warrant-less violations of citizens rights
-the administration can be credited with one fifth of success in the attempt
to close an opium war in Afghanistan, that benefits nobody but Wall Street banking drug money laundering cartel
-the administration has failed in containing the financial corruption that is legally purchasing government officials and running the country unchallenged even if conflict of interest should not permit so, the supreme court sentence in this regard is very very worrisome, the principles of separation of powers and checks and balances, went out the door to help the big money in the pockets of wall street banksters racket.
and here we are talking of a democratic administration that comparably is more right wing than the Eisenhower administration, in a time where the GOP is ranging anywhere between the right wing of the Nazi party and the progressive Ayatollahs of Iran.
all together, the democratic administration has revealed to be the less worse of the two options, possibly trying avoiding a civil war and a dictatorship the GOP seems to be looking for with all means, as said in the world of the blind the one who has one eye is the king
so my personal conclusion, once more, is pinch your nose and vote democrat
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I consigli per stipulare un mutuo quando i mercati salgono sulle montagne russe
Quindi, l'equazione è servita: i mutui a tasso fisso diventano d'amblé meno cari quando i mercati salgono sulle montagne russe.
fixed rate is better
but "best of all" is "don't do it"
you all will see soon of why
best thing to do is eliminate debt
and take money out of banks into government institutions
if you have "a lot" of money
stack commodities in your back yard
solo due tipi di catastrofi che hanno, allo stesso tempo, la possibilità di "spazzare via" quasi all'improvviso la maggior parte del genere umano e che hanno una probabilità non trascurabile di verificarsi in qualsiasi momento: si tratta di una pandemia altamente letale dovuta a un virus naturale o modificato in laboratorio dall'uomo, oppure una guerra termonucleare globale
would say more than two, also possible:
-milankovitch cycle inversion, is due
-super volcanoes, last tioba, now activity in north island
-hyper tsunamis, we have not seen one, but one is "enough"
all three may be related with earth cycles
of the above in the article, are relevant
nuclear war and GM foods genocides, indeed most highly probable
lethal pandemics guaranteed, the problem is unsolvable at this stage
(see Fenner, predictions are discussed at this time)
collapse of the world economic system is guaranteed also, just a matter of time
finally "peak population" and earth maximum food carrying capacity
is the real "final solution objective" of the current establishment
this is pretty much the only "real" short term problem
everything else could be deferred to address later issues
such as lethal pandemics, alternative energy and incoming ice age
however population exceeding earth carrying capacity "can not" be solved
unless the monetary aristocracy of the earth is wiped out on time
and replaced by a logistic technocracy
and forced sterilization is imposed planet wise
as it stands it "will have to be" for the earth as was for the Easter island
the ones who speak of "not negotiable" the historical causes of "food genocides"
so here an intuition of the picture and sequence of events:
-world economy crash
-escalation of oil wars on terror :)
-[start of food genocide]
-GM plausible denial
-famine and hordes invasions
-civil wars and cannibalism
-loss of control of medical agents and pathology
-[start of pathogens and chemicals genocide]
-BCW plausible denial
-[start of nuclear warfare and nuclear genocide]
-NW plausible denial
-world wars or hot politics, nuclear ramifications
-more transcontinental hordes invasions
-more civil wars and cannibalism
intentionally omitted what already happened
key word "plausible denial"
Monday, July 25, 2011
Si parla sempre più di Dio. Sempre meno con Dio
Laici e religiosi parlano sempre più di Dio.
Sempre meno si parla con Dio
well, in a sense is an improvement
but society is still opinionated
if you tell a doctor you hear voices
they lock you up in the crazy house
but if you tell the world you hear the voice of god
you become a prophet, a saint or a pope
same if you talk to the invisible man in the sky
the world "god" is the result of a fraud
so maybe should not be used because it may get misunderstood
gods churches in the centuries have done so much filth
that the dripping blood of the victims from every corner
make the word itself classify the speaker as a criminal
talking about the god of the churches is like talking about Charles Manson family
the god of the churches is actually the worse serial killer in history
as they have been the churches of god racket
people of good will should avoid the word "god"
replace it with whatever does not create the "double meaning" fraud
of worship of a fantasy "person"
with the features of a celestial criminal, forgiving sins in change of crime
no such thing "could" ever exist, at least in the far corners of the universe
so use a different term to distinguish you from the filth of religions
"prime principle", "grand gardener", "unified system"
or whatever else you may wish
I signori del rating che declassano le nazioni
Eric Kolchinsky, anche lui manager pentito di Moody's, pronuncia la parola "frode". Frank Raiter che ha lavorato per Standard&Poor's parla di "oligopolio che accumula profitti grazie al ruolo di arbitri". Delle e-mail circolate dentro Standard&Poor's descrivono il rapporto tra quest'agenzia e la Goldman Sachs come "la sindrome di Stoccolma".
Cioè la complicità che si stabilisce tra ostaggio e rapitore. Quelle comunicazioni interne, dai contenuti esplosivi, le ha scoperte il Senato di Washington nell'indagine appena avviata sulle agenzie di rating. Un'altra e-mail di Standard&Poor's ammette che "certi numeri noi li massaggiamo prima di divulgarli". Questa "è gente che distribuisce passaporti falsi", secondo Paul McCulley di Pimco, il più grande fondo d'investimento mondiale in titoli di Stato. Eccoci nell'universo delle agenzie di rating. Screditate, vituperate per il ruolo infame che hanno avuto nell'ultima crisi finanziaria. E tuttavia più potenti che mai.
in the pockets of 300 "families" of banksters
the same "families" that have in their pockets the US government
usury and fractional monetary fraud their power
within ten years the "skim" will own a burning planet
the employees of the same holy kristo nazi mafio crooks
that financed Hitler and Stalin
the puppet masters of the "country under god"
of 775 failed banks 5000 religions and 3000 living prophets
milking the planet
the empire of the parasites
it will be interesting to see how they rate their puppet masters banks
after the US system defaults
they won't be happy until all the US is homeless
but scraping the bottom of the barrel goes only so far
so their Nazi genocidal kristian godfather face will emerge soon
Pensioni adeguate ma non per tutti
l'importo della nostra pensione dipenderà (quasi) esclusivamente dai contributi che avremo versato durante la vita lavorativa
the cast robbed blind the country
now is robbing blind the pension system
we may see what happens when it gets to porta pia 2.0
Oro asset rifugio per eccellenza, ecco perché
Barclays, prima ribassista, ora stima una forchetta di 1.600-1.650 dollari l'oncia per l'intero secondo semestre dall'anno. Ma non manca anche chi si sbizzarrisce con previsioni a 3mila o persino 5mila dollari l'oncia nei prossimi due o tre anni.
there are 85 trillions of gold paper on the market
2.5 trillion "total" world gold
and 2.5 trillion "estimated reserves" underground
"real" gold in your pockets, sure
the paper ? not really
the best, buy a gold mine
The Church Is Infallible, But Not Vatican II
And it made mistakes, maintains traditionalist historian Roberto de Mattei. The dispute continues for and against the popes who guided the Council and put its innovations into practice
history is full of failures of either "and" both
ignoring it is being accomplices of the deception
of the clan claiming the moneys and powers of god
for their pity dirty bullish racketeering agenda
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Il 60% degli italiani teme la crisi ma i Tg insistono sulla criminalità
I dati contenuti nel nuovo rapporto dell'Osservatorio Europeo sulla Sicurezza: la media continentale delle notizie di "nera" è del 28%, quella del nostro Paese è molto più alta. Si arriva a punte del 91,7% (Studio aperto tra il 23 aprile e il 13 maggio)
Un dato su tutti: nei primi mesi del 2011, mentre scoppiavano le rivolte arabe, esplodeva la guerra in Libia e in Giappone il terremoto e lo tsunami colpivano una centrale nucleare, il Tg1 dedicava il 41% di tutte le notizie cosiddette "ansiogene" (che cioè hanno in qualche modo a che fare con la sicurezza) alla criminalità comune. Contro una media del 28% in Europa (ma solo il 5% della tedesca Ard). Dati ancora più clamorosi se si prende in esame il periodo 23 aprile-13 maggio di quest'anno: nell'agenda televisiva delle insicurezze Studio aperto primeggiava con ben il 91,7% delle notizie dedicate alla criminalità; ma anche telegiornali più "generalisti" come il Tg5 (65,7%) e Tg1 (57,4%) si concentravano sulla "nera".
nothing unknown
is "entertaining disinformation"
media brainwash
there used to be the oracles, then come the religions
now is time of the media and the television
always history of deception and unsupported exaggerated claims
it is needed since the times of the Sumerian to provide a prepackaged mental process
so that the simpleton sets aside his brain and thinks like the pack
is needed since the dawns of history to justify the filth of a useless cast of parasites
and to indoctrinate the simpleton to the "inevitable" holy war
is needed by the clientèle for those so lucrative costs of "pseudo security"
on a market system of toxic brains who are the world experts
of privatization of profits and socialization of losses
there are some breaks in history, like the French revolution
but most of the times the cannon meat goes to die in useless opium wars
so the finance cartel of holy crime recycling money changers under a fantasy man in the skies
can keep "corrupting" the world
with their international money laundering drugs and human organs traffic holy business
so to make a long story short
before the simpleton finds out that the cast has robbed blind and bankrupted the country
the holy pigs need another "man of the providence" and another police state
thus the need of brainwashing people over their "safety" from a couple of lunatics
of the safety of their retirements money, obviously they don't talk
of the safety of their health, obviously they don't talk
of the safety of the planet food supplies, obviously they don't talk
of the safety of people cold with no heating, obviously they don't talk
better "distract" the simpleton with bloody "circenses"
otherwise somebody could "remember" that the cast has preached for a century in favor of "unlimited reproduction"
obviously you need "unlimited reproduction" when you are the master of the cannon fodder
and the cannon fodder will produce more income for the cast
when sent to the Russian winter with cardboard shoes
then now we want to censor the INTERNET
before the large part of the population
may find out his church has been running physical rat line
to hide away "good Christians" war criminals
and has been running banking rat line
to recycle Nazi gold an bonds
and has has committed "in first person" even a genocide that all "forgot"
then now we want to censor the INTERNET
before the large part of the population
may find out "the exact money" the cast has piled up
sucking the tits of the republic at limited sovereignty under the king with the white skirt
and even worse
then now we want to censor the INTERNET
because the cast is afraid of what is going to happen
when the simpleton will discover that his species is planned for extinction
it may take a while to believe
"oh, all those nice godly people, those 'prestigious' 'educated' 'rich' 'holy' people"
"all part of this ?"
they won't believe it for a while
but pray to be already dead for the day they will understand
Friday, July 22, 2011
Turismo sociale, ecco la ricetta della Brambilla: fasce deboli in vacanza con i contributi statali
il Ministero del Turismo ha finanziato dalla loro attivazione nel 2010 con 10 milioni di euro e che prevede l’erogazione di un contributo statale fino al 45% del costo del viaggio
Brambilla, must be the tourist minister of Bahrain
if they have all that money to spend
Terra Santa, la svolta verde delle tre religioni
without population control
there is no chance
so they should start revising their theology now
unless is just a farce like GW Bush eco-fuel campaign
unless they find somewhere in the scriptures
that their god told them
to go and reproduce in a dementia manner
until the planet resources are depleted
and they have to eat each other
the error is in the theology
and if they really find it, and that is the case
they need a red label on their holy books
like on the packs of cigarettes
"warning, this cult promotes cannibalism"

La settimana scorsa è stato pubblicato in Irlanda il Cloyne Report
Enda Kenny, intervenendo a un dibattito davanti alla Camera bassa del Parlamento irlandese, ha sferrato un attacco frontale senza precedenti (e senza che nessun parlamentare lo contestasse) verso la Santa Sede.
Il rapporto, secondo il premier irlandese, avrebbe «evidenziato il tentativo della Santa Sede di bloccare un’inchiesta in uno Stato sovrano e democratico non più di tre anni fa, non trent’anni fa» e avrebbe fatto «emergere la disfunzione, la disconnessione e l’elitarismo che dominano la cultura del Vaticano. Lo stupro e la tortura di bambini sono stati minimizzati per sostenere, invece, il primato delle istituzioni, il suo potere e la sua reputazione».
Arizonans enraged at Muslim word for dust storm
A few years back, Arizona got sick of the fact that Texas and Mississippi and Alabama were always the butts of the rest of the nation's jokes about halfwit xenophobic gun-toting pissed-off old white folk, and so The Grand Canyon State decided to really kick it up a notch, in terms of bad craziness and hatred. The tireless work of Governor Jan Brewer, State Senator Russell Pearce and Sheriff Joe Arpaio paid off! Thanks to those three, Arizona is no longer defined by its amazing geography, rich history, and rugged, independent residents. No, when you think of Arizona in 2011, you think of a bunch of armed racist morons.
guess they'll soon abandon the Arabic numbering system as well
the roman numbering system won't qualify either
because for the KKK Italian are half black
so I guess they'll have to adopt the Runic numbering system
M$, make a note, where is my windoze Runic calculator ?
F - panel (Front) - Number and value of the runes
Sanders: GOP plan is 'totally absurd'
Sen. Bernie Sanders says the Republican budget plan would "savagely cut back" on programs for the middle class and poor.
he is right
first, lets default
"after" the default we see where wall street goes
and "maybe" they "may" get more reasonable on taxation
when they need an "impossible" rescue
otherwise the remedy would be simple
50% taxation over 100K income "for all" churches included
or no deal,
go ahead now, lets default
curious to see Moody's US bonds rating when the DOW hits 1 thousand
maybe the puppet masters banksters "have a plan"
like to wait for somebody to print greenbacks again
and then get him shot like Lincoln and Kennedy
the holy ways of the godly-kristo-mafio-nazi-bolshevic wall street banking are unknown
guess their holy skim is an offer that can not be refused
Un manifestante a Londra tiene il cartello con lo slogan: "Mangiate i banchieri"
pretty much the only solution
when you run out of bankers stew, start with the pastors and politicians steaks
"eat the real social parasites"
they created the economy slump to steal anybody pity wealth
and they are trying to cause a planetary food genocide
and "their rights are not negotiable"
eat them before it may be too late
and if somebody tries to defend these three categories of pigs
barbecue them as well
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Gregor Mendel’s naughty peas and our GM future
We now know more about genetics than Gregor ever dreamed. This is the part of the future, after all, when they predicted we would be sorted into castes by genotype and Ethan Hawke would be prohibited from pursuing romance with Uma Thurman
Human cloning comes ever closer to reality. The great thing about having a clone would be that one of you would always have two spare livers. This is also how I assume the Olsen twins operate.
But Europeans may be trying to put a stop to this.
Americans tend to be less queasy about genetically modified food than Europeans. Who knows why. Perhaps it’s something they’re putting in our water.
This is in many ways a logical position — all food is genetically modified. Our wheat is bigger and more wheat-like than it was when our ancestors first harvested it. Our corn is cornier.
But Europe is moving forward with plans to ban genetically modified foods. Never mind that hardy GM crops could help combat famine around the world. Greenpeace disapproves. Such crops might be invasive! They might destroy local species diversity!
OK, lets get to the bottom of this
because here is becoming an issue of history
and "historical and facts derived" credibility, or better "lack thereof"
wall street has an historical connection to all the genocides in modern history
wall street has an historical connection to eugenics and racism
wall street has an historical connection to international fraud, usury and racketeering
wall street has an historical connection to international drug trafficking
wall street has an historical connection to international crime money laundering
the world gives up the patent and copyright system
and the genetics can do what they are pleased
"but" they must also provide "free of charge"
the antidote to their product
lets make an example
GM seeds get carried by the wind and contaminate my garden
Monsanto should be "required" in a state of law that is not a farce
to provide a "feasible remedy"
such as another genetic agent that destroys "only" Monsanto seeds
GM crops don't provide any better function than perma-cultures
besides giving the kristo-nazi-mafio-bankers of wall street
a racketeers monopoly on food
and another weapon for another money changers genocide
at the bottom line, bio-genetics can be used
as "unconventional warfare" with "plausible denial"
bio genetics are "designed" for war
and the lies of the US establishment are directed to morons
as usual, for deception and self interest
GM crops won't solve famine for the ones that live on one dollar a day
GM crops will kill of famine millions, as you can see already in India
wall street "godly" "holy" fraud seems never to end
the day an asteroid makes wall street south east lake michigan
is always going to be too late
Murdoch: come la sua Fox News è diventata la più redditizia e spregiudicata macchina propagandistica della storia americana.
Il ruolo di Roger Ailes, anima nera e ras della rete
poco istruito, Cristiano conservatore e tendenzialmente razzista e ne plasma gli umori ora dopo ora, giorno dopo giorno, mese dopo mese: diffondendo senza soste minacce fantasma come la moschea del terrore a Ground Zero, ispirando gesti clamorosi come il rogo del Corano del reverendo Terry Jones che un anno fa obbligò il presidente Obama a scusarsi coi musulmani. E molto altro, come vedremo. A cominciare dalla diffusione della falsa notizia secondo cui Obama sarebbe musulmano, e nato in Africa
"holy fox"
the Kristian Koalition Klan is going to have a problem
now with holy Murdoch in deep waters
"Castità contro Aids"
the "solution" helps as much as if we all win the lottery
then the problem of poverty could be solved
La sfida capitale della politica
questo è quanto accadde nel secondo dopoguerra, quando una classe dirigente che non era composta da professionisti della politica, ma da esponenti di altissima qualità di tutti i settori della vita associativa, riuscì a restituire all'Italia un futuro di speranza e di crescita economica e civile
that is really the point, there should be no such thing as "professional politics"
maximum of two legislation in the entire life time, "non consecutive"
and politics with professional "real life" credentials
instead than "professional politics"
that would not however be enough if we don't also consider population
the reason of the economic miracle were two:
-half population
-cheap oil
there is no political solution to population number exceeding carrying capacity
there is no political solution to available food production exceeding carrying capacity
unless we consider "holy wars" as a solution
instead, "there is a logistic problem"
and the ones that cite fantasies in the sky to solicit suicidal economics
can believe in whatever they want, on their own
could also hire whoever they want in their holy missions, "as long as they pay taxes"
"but" they should not have "any" access to "public decision making"
whoever should be admitted to public decision making
should solemnly swear
that he will pursue the interests of his country before any other
personal and "godly" included
"and" be held accountable
there were plenty of believers in the most desperate creeds in the country history
that never compromised their integrity
no "conflict of interest" is one of the key factors
another could be "representation" by economic sectors
which could be solved by "quotes"
it is probably "not" a good sign
when politics are a monopoly of two or three mayor "professional orders"
and most of the categories who float the bill are "not" represented
La polveriera del ceto medio
Le principali fonti dei conflitti futuri non saranno gli scontri tra civiltà, bensì le aspettative frustrate delle classi medie, in declino nei Paesi ricchi e in crescita in quelli poveri.
i posti di lavoro persi negli Stati Uniti o in Europa, o i salari stagnanti, si devono all'espansione di Cina, India o Brasile. Questo non è vero. Gli studi più rigorosi rivelano che la perdita di posti di lavoro o la diminuzione degli stipendi nei Paesi industrializzati non sono imputabili alla crescita dei Paesi emergenti, bensì al cambiamento tecnologico, a una produttività anemica, alla politica fiscale e ad altri fattori interni.
Non esiste alcun governo che possa soddisfare le nuove esigenze di una classe politica media in auge alla stessa velocità con cui tali esigenze si presentano. E nemmeno un governo che possa sopravvivere alla furia di una classe media benestante che vede la propria situazione peggiorare giorno dopo giorno.
L'instabilità politica causata da queste frustrazioni è già visibile in molti Paesi. Le sue conseguenze internazionali non sono ancora così ovvie. Ma lo saranno.
well, the "excessive expectations" have been produced
by a "cast" of incompetents in bad faith
who chose to brainwash the people
in the myths of tele-novelas, "Dallas" and "lonely housewives of Los Angeles"
nobody tells the morons that america is way different
than the TV shows
maybe they should come over for a decade and find out themselves
on the other hands, exaggerated claims, myth, overstated promises
are the historical tool of mass distraction
the masters of any times in the fraud
"organized religions"
everybody else, televisions, news, politics and so on
have learned the art of fraud and deception from them
oh really ? is not true ?, then how comes even the toilette paper
here is made in china ?
or why when you call your telephone company the operators are in India
please, let's try to be serious !
technology "in fact" is "creating" jobs "here"
you can not put in china your telephone closet down the street
eventually you can route it from India,
but the installer and maintainer have to be here
on the other hands, "commerce" and the "market" of vultures
that speculate on money but produce "nothing"
have taken the jobs in their sectors to china and India
an example ? "wal mart"
people in the global economy business should be familiar with it
is a multinational with more money than saudi arabia
everything they sell is made in Asia
go tell your joke that technology is the reason
their jobs are gone
to the blue collars that were working here building toasters and coffee grinders
in the companies that made the same products
put out of business by companies running on slave children labor
see what they tell you
it depends
it all depends on how fast the money changers and the preachers
can hop their jet executives and fly to Singapore
when the system goes down
"supposed Singapore takes them"
because if they hand them back to their country
then they are obviously going to have a problem
we will see
"Noi, improvvisamente poveri con 1000 euro al mese"
Precari, con figli a carico, costretti a tornare nella casa dei genitori. È la situazione di tanti italiani che sono passati dalla serenità alla miseria. Costretti a sopravvivere con meno di 1000 euro al mese
well, what is done is done
the part hard to understand is
in "why" in the US as in Europe
the "cast" of the people who's "rights are not negotiable"
refuses acknowledging there is a problem
and keep lying on the real situation to the planet
violence is always a bad solution
but the french revolution should have taught these parasites
that at some point something "has to" happen
it will come the times of the heads rolling
is not any longer a question of "if" but just of "when"
now, the situation is now also not so bad because people can still eat
the average person brainwashed by churches and televisions
can not understand how bad the situation could be "and will be soon"
all it takes is 30 days of an oil crisis to collapse the head of the world
and after that in a few weeks or months, civil war and cannibalism
so thank your luck and your age
you people still have a mother that can feed you
still have a house and don't have to sleep in the streets
still have people that know you
still have your own environment around you
because it is coming an age where those "discounted" things
are not discounted any longer
the western system is in "self consumption"
cannibalism for now is only in figurative sense at government and social level
but soon, when we hit the bottom of the barrel (pretty good expression)
is going to be chaos
cannibalism will emerge
people will be hunting people in the streets to barbecue
the good news is that priests, bankers and politicians are tender beef
they don't like to work
so, regardless how bad the food supply is hit
there will be food, as long as you chase it, kill it and grill it
talking with a university guy in neighbor Canada
who is considered a celebrity in food and agricultural matters
it seems that 100 millions
is the "entire" "sustainable" population level "of the planet"
after a world level crash of green agriculture
we are about 8 "billions"
do your math, and when you start seeing around you
the first people dying of starvation
chose if you have rather kill yourself
or remember the ones who don't want population control
and the ones who's "rights are not negotiable"
then, if you chose to live
grab one of them "first", cook him, and feed your friends and family
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Peak Oil - OPEC doesnt have enough spare capacity 08 June 2011
oh, that was unexpected
Yemen disorders ?, who would have predicted so
Siria disorders ?, who would have predicted so
Lybia disorders ?, who would have predicted so
now there is only OPEC left out the picture
"and" if Saudi loses control "quien sabe"
here, lets see what my crystal ball sais
colombia, venezuela, brazil, iran
T. Boone Pickens Says Peak Oil Is Already Here & Oil Going To $300
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, Jared Diamond
as simple as it is, sounds quite amazing the concept is still missunderstood
exponential function
"religious mythology"
time to failure
domino effect
here, watch the video
The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See
Appello al centrodestra: sotto i costi della Casta la nostra Italia crepa
Stupirsi che la gente sia furibonda è da stolti, vuol dire vivere su Marte, distanti migliaia di chilometri dal Paese reale.
Il nostro è l’unico Paese al mondo in cui si è ribaltato un principio basilare: non sono gli apparati a servire i cittadini, ma i cittadini a servire gli apparati.
non c’è via d’uscita. Lo si è constatato anche ieri sulla scorta dell’andamento borsistico e dei nostri Bot
all known, all said for half a century
no result
the republic at limited sovereignty under the Vatican
will enter history more or less
as the state of little king Francis
and as the shameful parody of governance
which was the state of the pope king
here, read a book
Luigi Einaudi, "useless sermons"
eHealth, il sogno di Halamka "Salute Usa in un disco rigido"
Parla il medico informatico a cui Obama ha chiesto di rivoluzionare i sistemi di raccolta dati della popolazione. Dai tablet alle cartelle cliniche elettroniche, il futuro della sanità è tutto sul web: "Più efficienza, qualità e sicurezza, ma la vera sfida è sulla privacy"
after the online banking frauds
now there is going to be also the online discounted procurement
for the organ trafficking market racket of wall street
time to start going to the vet
7,500 earthquakes shake resolve in NZealand city
Seismologists have recorded 7,500 earthquakes in Christchurch since September — an average of more than 20 a day.
All around, buckled homes sat abandoned atop a sea of mud and sand. A makeshift blue water pipe snaked along the sidewalk. The few who remained announced their presence with cardboard signs like the Cattermoles': "3 Children & 2 Adults Still Here."
The problem: a phenomenon called liquefaction, when an earthquake forces underground water up through loose soil.
"It's the same physics as quicksand," Furlong said. "Whole acres turn into something of a liquid. Houses sink. Water and mud jet up through the surface. You get cracks, sand volcanoes, flooding."
He said that geologists are reassessing the importance of liquefaction after the devastating impact it has had on Christchurch.
well, next to them on the north island
is one of the six most feared super-volcanoes on earth
and we are due for an ice age
nothing to be surprised
remember tioba
only 3000 survivors on the "entire earth"
Hacker, non solo Anonymous "Cybercrimine sottovalutato"
La Polizia delle comunicazioni fa il punto sulla lotta all'illegalità digitale: parallelamente alle azioni dimostrative degli "hacktvist", cresce la minaccia delle organizzazioni criminali
Il problema viene riconosciuto, ma poi non viene affrontato
the problem is an inconvenient truth
if politics dictates where and what to buy
if the industry compiles the RFP for the public buyer
if the government can not create its own software and hardware
because the politician has to determine where the moneys are spent
and/or because the internal politics have to determine who to finance
you get the current governments, the current IT industry
and the current problems that will take down both
the government on a "private" optical backbone "not connected to internet"
would not have this problem
but then we touch "consolidated" interests
there will be a revolution because people can not read newspapers
the government on time share systems
would not have this problem
but then we would have the problem that the cast
would not be able to squeeze mices and click on broken windows
there will be a revolution because people have to "learn" something
beyond clicking a mouse on an icon
and it is known that the pharaohs of the public cast
would never reach such a level of humility, "learning ?"
god, they already know everything, by dogma
so keep buying broken windows,
in order to eliminate "evident" shadows of doubt of competence
and write off the losses
and set aside your budget to pay for times when a whole country will sue you
and that time is not too far
internet as it is needs nothing
just needs morons who are dealing
with national security and critical infrastructure
to stay out of there
and companies that are dealing with money
to conduct transactions somewhere else
but the industry, the politician, the banker and the priest
care less about security
all they care is censorship
in a way preventing their faulty technology, their financial frauds
and their other crimes to be known and exposed
Rissa sulla difesa comune
Francia, Germania e Polonia cercando di rilanciare il progetto comune. Londra dice "no e sempre no". Roma è favorevole, ma non è stata coinvolta nell'iniziativa.
oh well, lets start with extending the UEO
for whoever wants to join in western Europe
maybe Britain wants to rebuild a mini commonwealth
which could be not a bad idea either, for them
at the worse we would have a three-stages military system
it works on rockets, could work in geopolitics as well
Monday, July 18, 2011
Così Einstein pagò i suoi debiti con l'astronomia
Traggo queste interessanti considerazioni dal libro fresco di stampa “Dio non gioca a dadi. L’eredità di Einstein: spazio, tempo e materia” edito da Hoepli (205 pagine, 17,90 euro), una sintesi divulgativa della teoria della Relatività e delle sue implicazioni astronomiche e cosmologiche. Ennesima sintesi divulgativa, si potrebbe dire, ricordando che ne circolano molte e che lo stesso Einstein sentì il bisogno di scrivere un libro per spiegare in modo semplice la propria teoria e allargare un po’ quella cerchia di cinque persone che, forse ottimisticamente, supponeva fossero in grado di capirne a fondo il contenuto
I due debiti contratti da Einstein con l’astronomia sono stati pagati con gli interessi.
yes, Spinoza god does not play dices
and churches are still profiting of citing Einstein out of contest
considering also that Spinoza was practically excommunicated
by the religious judeo-christian world of the times
the traditional religious need of a "personal" god
has origin into the cult of personality of socialism
there is the owner and the worker
the father and the son
the priest and the sinner
the "interest slavery" and the "debtor slave"
anything that goes away from this submission
mines at the base the principles financing the biggest fraud of any time
"institutionalized religion"
maybe Einstein overlooked the case of quantum mechanics
or, most likely was intentionally misquoted for the purposes
as he was misquoted by religious establishment in other cases
since quantum mechanics may perfectly fit the Spinoza model
and so does the dices example
the citation may be out of contest and lack some unknown details at our time
sure enough a prime principle of the universe, or a "unified system"
as does not play dices,
won't play the stock exchange either,
as the godly christian banks do
Nove impegni per la crescita
«Vede, Governatore, le cose in Italia si possono fare solo quando la casa brucia!»: fu questa l'accorata esclamazione con cui Giuliano Amato – allora presidente del Consiglio – accolse l'allora Governatore della Banca d'Italia Carlo Azeglio Ciampi quando questi andò a Palazzo Chigi in quelle ore roventi della crisi del settembre 1992.
di adottare misure che segnino un cambiamento nel modo di operare della pubblica amministrazione e restituiscano agli operatori – cittadini e imprese – gradi di libertà e trasparenza nei rapporti con lo Stato
L'innalzamento dell'età pensionabile obbligatorio per tutti a 70 anni
L'Europa adotti eurobond (titoli di debito europeo)
Scossa forte sulle privatizzazioni
Un piano di liberalizzazione di licenze e orari
Definire un patto di stabilità interno effettivamente non derogabile
Aumento delle rette universitarie.
Trasparenza della pubblica amministrazione
Riduzione dei costi della politica
that may provide an explanation of some interesting facts of the Italian history
in the years where the red socialists wanted the chairs of the christos-socialists
until they reached an agreement to share the bread as one, the christos-red
and provide joint populist support to their christos-banking puppet masters
that so well had provided financial help to the red gulags and the kristos holocausts
yes, there is a need for change
but the peninsula has a long history
from the times of little king Francis and the pope king
of always change everything, so that nothing may ever change
OK, lets see, on the sinking titanic best thing to do would have been reducing taxation, surely Mister Astor would have been happier to die, now that he was just informed of the lower taxes
the next one, obviously would have been raising the retirement age, I'm sure Captain Smith would have appreciated this news of 5 years more of service, for him in the afterlife
This seems more realistic, if white lines would have had the possibility of emitting extra bonds, possibly would have bought better quality rivets, and could have possibly been able to afford full size compartiments and a sufficient number of sloops
here there would naturally emerge a question, of weather the "surviving" bankers had made more money with the titanic sinking, versus if it would have reached destination, whereas is rumored, most likely due to the opposition of the richest one of them (that sank with the titanic), the federal reserve would have possibly never existed, and without it, possibly would have not both the 1st and 2nd world wars, "and" today's crisis, the ones who know, please tell us more
possibly a good maneuver, but by the time titanic could have been offered for sale,
at the bottom of the Atlantic, in pieces, nobody cared to make an offer
yes, they did not try that on the titanic, and possibly they did so on purpose, to kill more people in the third class
that, they tried, but the panic took over
by the time the ship started sinking, there was no more demand for education
and the transparency of white lines was not really the main concern of the passengers
surely enough, by sinking with 885 crew members, the accounting entry for fixed costs of white lines was definitively reduced
and we should add, at the benefit of all those who were home collecting their 30K euro a month of retirement, and of all the others their masters, part of the big wall street company of the kristo-freaks in the banking racket business for god
“Perché io dico poveri noi? Perché voi, il pubblico, ed altri sessantadue milioni di Americani, ascoltate me in quest’istante. Perché meno del 3% di voialtri legge libri, capito? Perché meno del 15% di voi legge giornali o riviste. Perché l’unica verità che conoscete è quella che ricevete alla tv. Attualmente, c’è da noi un’intera generazione che non ha mai saputo niente che non fosse trasmesso alla tv. La tv è la loro Bibbia, la suprema rivelazione! La tv può creare o distruggere presidenti, papi, primi ministri. La tv è la più spaventosa, maledettissima forza di questo mondo senza Dio.
propaganda fasulla e vuota, in questo mondo senza Dio, io non so quali altre cazzate verranno spacciate per verità, qui!
Quindi, se volete la verità andate da Dio
Quindi spegnete i vostri televisori, spegneteli ora. Spegneteli immediatamente! Spegneteli e lasciateli spenti! Spegnete i televisori proprio a metà della frase che sto dicendo adesso, spegneteli subito!”.
“Questa non è più una nazione di individui indipendenti, oramai. È una nazione composta da duecento e oltre milioni di esseri transistorizzati, deodorizzati, più bianchi del bianco, tutti profumati al limone: del tutto inutili come esseri umani, e rimpiazzabili come pezzi di un’auto.”
Lo scopo essenziale di uno “spin doctor” è quello di agevolare la vendita di un’ideologia, di un’opzione governativa, di una campagna civile di opinione, di un qualsivoglia prodotto o merce, influenzando le scelte dei destinatari. Non sorprende eccessivamente che questa professione riesca ad imporsi innanzitutto negli USA ove diviene la pietra di paragone e il modello per le successive generazioni.
l’idea di un “governo invisibile” che, in questo caso, possiede la capacità di tenere sotto controllo le masse plasmandone la mente ed influenzandone opinioni, comportamenti, atteggiamenti, inclinazioni, gusti, ecc… La società sarebbe nelle mani di coloro che sono in grado di suggestionare le masse a loro piacimento.
La crisi è certo più generale, morale, sociale, politica e culturale… Guardiamo ai puri e semplici fatti… Poche famiglie, anzi poche persone della cosiddetta Superclasse, hanno concentrato nelle loro mani un immenso patrimonio e il controllo di risorse inimmaginabili, mentre nel mondo aumentano fame e miseria che, ormai, hanno cessato di essere un miraggio anche per le più abbienti popolazioni occidentali…
occorrerebbe ribellarsi, perché coloro che hanno costruito le loro fortune su questo oceano di ingiustizia, iniquità e sofferenza non accetteranno mai il cambiamento prospettato
yes sure, if you keep reading the Bubble
you are going to become smarter
but make sure you don't read anything else
especially the banned books talking of the religious-monetary conspiracy
talking of the religious-monetary holocausts and genocides
oh, I forgot, pray god, you need it
pray god to save you from his church and his bankers
inquisition, what a show
yes, that is the first one and the most notorious
the "capo dei capi" of all the other nazi-krist-godfathers-bankers
agree, turn off this television of preachers
do more, threw it down a cliff
television of crime and brainwashing over the "godly" police state
that "eugenically" "weeds and seeds" you
preparing the lists for FEMA extermination camps
they surely know how to build them good
they built the Nazi ones in Germany and Poland, wall street is "experienced"
they provided punch cards to Hitler to optimize the holocaust
television and media of christian hypocrites and hypocrisy
the godly skim propaganda of the new "superior race"
traditional marriage, blah blah blah
abortion clinics bombing and assassinations for god, blah blah blah
"nation under god", blah blah blah
"rights not negotiable" blah blah blah
Goldman sucks "in a mission for god" like Hitler and the blues brothers
"the family values of the slaves" blah blah blah
yes, the spin doctor is where they send you when you denounce Christianity as a skim
very dangerous, because in fact is the largest crime cartel in history of humanity
they are really scared that people may find out the truth
about the godly money-religion fraud
that forgives sins in change of sins for their agenda
the "invisible government"
775 banks, 5000 churches, 3000 living prophets
all tax exempt
all getting "donations" for 3 trillions at the time
we are "a country under god"
and god wants your money, and more
the crisis is the refusal of this category of parasites to accept reality
their skim is "not negotiable"
they are waging war against the people to prey their miserable wealth
as they always did for 2000 years
and as before them, other "godly" crooks of different denominations did
well, there may be solutions,
lets see, Robespierre ?
Henry the VIII ?
the Donner party ?
or it may go the other way around
the "non kristos" holocaust
after the Jews and the Eustachian
god needs more blood
and the Kristian Koalition Klan vampires
sure want to take care of it
unless you want to be their slave, then maybe you are OK
nice try
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