Saturday, July 31, 2004 - A la conqu�te de l'espace - Arianespace d�colle - L'Express: "Arianespace d�colle" - La discrimination au travail - Wal-Mart : les femmes contre le g�ant - L'Express: "Les femmes contre le g�ant" - La conservation du patrimoine - Saint-Etienne : pass� et futur - L'Express: "Saint-Etienne : pass� et futur" - Les plaies du Cambodge - Main basse sur le Cambodge - L'Express: "Main basse sur le Cambodge" - S�rie d'�t� : Histoires extraordinaires - Les myst�res du casse du si�cle - L'Express: "Les myst�res du casse du si�cle" - l'info au quotidien. L'actualit� �conomique, politique et internationale - L'Express: "Anniversaire

30 juillet 1990 - L'�nigme divise les sp�cialistes: dans la nuit, des cercles presque parfaits sont apparus dans un champ de bl� du Wiltshire, au sud de l'Angleterre. Mini tornades ? Vaisseaux spatiaux extraterrestres ? La v�rit� est ailleurs: on apprendra bient�t qu'il s'agit de l'oeuvre de plaisantins, d�masqu�s alors qu'ils r�alisent un second canular"

Thursday, July 29, 2004


Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Memorial Hall - Gay Holocaust - Persecution: "January 30: The National Socialist (Nazi) Party, led by Adolf Hitler, takes power.
February 22: Prostitution was banned.
February 23: The Prussian Minister of the Interior orders the closing of the restaurants and pubs 'in which, by serving as meeting places, the practice of unnatural sex-acts is encouraged'. Gay and lesbian pubs were closed down. Police closed bars and clubs such as the 'Eldorado' and banned publications such as Die Freundschaft (Friendship). In this early stage the Nazis drove homosexuals underground, destroying their networks of support.
March 3: Nudism was banned.
March 7: Pornography was banned. "

Crazy Golf Balls: "When you want to annoy the knickers off someone who takes golf too seriously, these ludicrous balls will do the trick nicely. The set comprises four balls, each of which does something stupid when you hit it"

News 2000 - Libero - ultime notizie: Aereo precipita a Santo Domingo: morti 2 italiani: "18:25 Aereo precipita a Santo Domingo: morti 2 italiani

Il velivolo � caduto probabilmente per le cattive condizioni meteo" Video

Corriere della Sera - Antartide, laboratorio mondiale: nuove scoperte: "Antartide, laboratorio mondiale: nuove scoperte"

Corriere della Sera - L'avvocato: �Saddam ha avuto un ictus�: "L'avvocato: �Saddam ha avuto un ictus�"

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Signs Jokes - Funny Signs - Plumber's Ad - JokeCenter Joke: "Funny Signs - Plumber's Ad (G)

Joke Submitted By: Anonymous

On the side of a plumber's van:

A straight flush is better than a full house. "

floor face from the house of faces

Fellini - Giulietta degli spiriti: "Giulietta degli spiriti"

Lou Reed - Romeo Had Juliette lyrics: "Romeo Had Juliette Lyrics
Artist(Band):Lou Reed "

Merchant of Venice: List of Scenes

King Lear: List of Scenes: "King Lear"

Bombardier - Experience the Extraordinary: "Bombardier Learjet"

Alfa Romeo / News & Events - fastest yacht in the world

Alfa Romeo

Traktory Alfajet

zawiyet Posted by Hello

DER SPIEGEL - SPIEGEL ONLINE: "English Summaries: 'The Golf Is Not a Sex Object'"

Aljazeera.Net - Iran warns Israel of harsh retaliation: "Iran has responded to regional and Israeli threats of attack by vowing to destroy Israel if it attacks the Islamic Republic's nuclear facilities."

Brad Arnold: Individuals can now construct highly contagious virus - PRAVDA.Ru: "'In truth, it is possible to imagine a malicious use for virtually any biological research or production site. The difference between a lab for producing lifesaving vaccines and one capable of making deadly toxins is largely one of intent.' ('Terrorism and the Biology Lab' by Henry C. Kelly, New York Times, July 2, 2003)
I estimate it is over ten times easier to construct a highly contagious virus than it is to enrich uranium using the gas centrifuge method.
I estimate it is over ten times easier to set up a biological chain reaction with a highly contagious virus than it is to set up a nuclear chain reaction with a sufficient quantity of enriched uranium."

Monday, July 26, 2004

Peace Academy/ Eliminate Racial, Ethnic, Religious and Gender Intolerance.: "Eliminate Racial, Ethnic, Religious and Gender Intolerance"

Corriere della Sera - Gli scienziati: la felicit� porta soldi e amore: "I risultati di uno studio sulla rivista inglese Royal Economics Society
Gli scienziati: la felicit� porta soldi e amore"

Hell toupee: "Hell toupee"

The Dale Earnhardt Jr Pit Stop

Q-Tip Go Hard lyrics: "Q-Tip Go Hard lyrics"

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Maps, Weather, and Airports for Bani Walid, Libya: "Bani Walid, Libya Page"

Walid Shoebat - Former PLO Terrorist who speaks out for Israel: "�Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?�
�When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out�"

Le Quotidien Permanent du Nouvel Observateur - Kieffer a disparu depuis 100 jours: "Le journaliste franco-canadien Guy-Andr� Kieffer n'a plus �t� revu depuis le 16 avril � Abidjan, en C�te d'Ivoire"

Ettore Majorana neutrino antimateria ragazzi di via Panisperna 1938 Fermi Sciascia: "La Scomparsa di Majorana', Leonardo Sciascia."

Songtext Wolf Biermann - Fr�hling auf dem Mont Klamott - "wir danken Marx und Gott am Momt Klamott."


The Little Mermaid

Michelangelo Buonarroti: "The Scandal
Even before its official unveiling, the Judgment became the target of violent criticisms of a moral character. Vasari relates that Biagio da Cesena, the Vatican's master of Ceremonies, said that 'it was mostly disgraceful that in so sacred a place there should have been depicted all those nude figures, exposing themselves so shamefully, and that it was no work for a papal chapel but rather for the public baths and taverns.'
Michelangelo was not slow to take his revenge: the poor Biagio was portrayed in hell, in the figure of Minos, 'shown with a great serpent curled around his legs, among a heap of devils.'
Others accused the painter of heresy. These included Pietro Aretino, who, in a famous letter, even called for the fresco's destruction, the Dominican preacher Ambrogio Politi called Caterino, and Giovanni Andrea Gilio, who drew up a long statement of charges against Michelangelo in his Dialoghi.
But the nudity of the figures worried neither Paul III nor his successor Julius III. It was not until January 1564, and therefore about a month before Michelangelo's death, that the assembly of the Council of Trent took the decision to 'amend' the fresco."



Pattaya Mail - Pattaya's First English Language Newspaper: "Thousands join in walk to honour Her Majesty the Queen�s 6th Cycle Birthday Anniversary"

Bangkok Post Sunday 25 July 2004 - Tips for spiritual well-being: "Tips for spiritual well-being "

Maariv International: "Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat is playing for time, in the expectation his two most bitter nemises, US President George Bush and Israeli PM Ariel Sharon will soon fall from power.
This was revealed by OC IDF Military Intelligence Maj. Gen. Aharon Ze'evi-Farkash. "

Maariv International: "Sharon gives civil marriage bill green light "

The Nation's Web Special: Thai Soliers: Bird Flu: "
Bird flu lands in Bangkok"

Saturday, July 24, 2004 Korean Airliner Shot Down By Soviets: " Korean Airliner Shot Down By Soviets
By Patrick Mondout
On April 20, 1978 Korean Air Flight 902 crossing the Atlantic from Paris to Seoul strayed over Soviet territory and was fired upon by a Su-15 fighter. One of the two missiles exploded near the left wing and two of the 97 passengers were killed in the resulting rapid decompression. The Boeing 707 dove into the clouds and lost the Su-15 and made an emergency landing on the frozen lake of Korpij�rvi some 280 miles south of Murmansk"

Russian Aviation Page: Korean Airlines KAL 007 Shoot Down: "The defecting pilot claims that this would be entirely within believable bounds for the idiots in command of that sector. It was one of the reasons he defected. "

Oakland vs SF 49's - Nov. 3, 2002: "Oakland Raiders vs SF 49's "

Me 163B polars: "Me 163B polars"

The Walter Rocket Motor Site: "The Hellmuth Walter Website"

Soviet Me 163S 'Yellow 94': "Soviet Me 163S 'Yellow 94' -'Red Luftwaffe'   "

Thursday, July 22, 2004

pictures :)

hello post

A_Hideous_Monster_of_the_Mind__American_Race_Theory_in_the_Early_Republic | Aircraft-makers: "Another air show, another row"

The Hmong Tragedy: "'Forgotten Soldiers' is a lengthy article by Susan M. Barbieri, staff writer, in the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Sunday, May 1, 1994, Page 1A:"

WorldNetDaily: The great betrayal: "The great betrayal
Laos' Hmong tribe faces death in forced repatriation"

Corriere della Sera - Agr - Ultima Ora: "Spagna: Ministro Lavoro, 'I finanziamenti alla Chiesa dovranno terminare' "

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Corriere della Sera - Pisanu: �Pronta la circolare sulla Bossi-Fini� - "sicilia 2004 - lo sbarco dei due mille"

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage


Caravanserai- a Santana Tribute

Monday, July 19, 2004 | The diamond cartel: "The cartel isn't for ever"

Flat 6 - Porsche 924 Martini Rossi Overview: "Porsche 924 Martini Rossi Overview"

La Stampa Web: "Il suo compagno Massimo Gotta - figlio dello scrittore - gli sfil� l�orologio dal polso: le lancette, che si erano fermate nell�urto, segnava le 6,24 minuti e 40 secondi. L�orologio, oggi incorniciato in casa Gotta, � un testimone di storia: in quel preciso momento, dopo tremila anni, finiva la cavalleria. "

The Korea Herald : The Nation's No.1 English Newspaper: "N.K. cancels military talks with South "

KoreaTimes : Bolton Arrives for NK Nuke Talks

KoreaTimes : Park Geun-hye Elected GNP Leader

The Japan Times Online: "Homeless team heads for Sweden to battle in second futsal world cup"

Austria to Release Schwarzenegger Stamp (

CNEWS - World: A-bomb pilot dead at 84: "A-bomb pilot dead at 84"

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Claus, Count Schenk von Stauffenberg --� Encyclop�dia Britannica: "Claus, Count Schenk von Stauffenberg"

The Korea Herald : The Nation's No.1 English Newspaper: "Man, 33, confesses to 19 murders in Seoul in nine months"

Science & Technology at Scientific Ask the Experts: Biology: Why do men have nipples?: "Why do men have nipples? "

High Desert Hats Online Store: "High Desert Hats
Custom Made Welding Hats & Caps"

Savoia-Marchetti SM 79 Sparrowhawk - green rats

NewsFromRussia.Com U.S. thanks Kazakhstan for contribution to peacekeeping effort in Iraq: "U.S. thanks Kazakhstan for contribution to peacekeeping effort in Iraq" "eod-eor"

Who's world is this ?! - PRAVDA.Ru: "woke up in the Garden of Eden"

Le Quotidien Permanent du Nouvel Observateur - Ariel Sharon appelle les juifs � quitter la France: "Ariel Sharon appelle
les juifs � quitter la France "

The Japan Times Online: "Gion Festival reaches peak" - l'info au quotidien. L'actualit� �conomique, politique et internationale - L'Express: "16 juillet 1945 - Premi�re explosion atomique, dans le d�sert du Nouveau-Mexique, aux Etats-Unis. Les scientifiques du projet Manhattan, men�s par Robert Oppenheimer, ont atteint leur objectif: la bombe atomique est au point. 21 jours plus tard, le 6 ao�t, une bombe A est l�ch�e sur Hiroshima"

Friday, July 16, 2004

AEI - News & Commentary: "last great, and victorious, cavalry charge - savoia"

Wet Seal

Tibet Environmental Watch TEW

Tibet Environmental Watch - Reports - Outside TAR: "Tibet Outside the TAR "


Corriere della Sera - Iraq, trovato un secondo cadavere nel Tigri: "al momento non si fanno illazioni circa l'identit� della nuova salma: nel dare la notizia un portavoce delle forze dell'ordine, generale Salem Haj Issa, si � limitato a descriverlo come quello di un occidentale. Issa si � rifiutato di collegare in qualche modo il nuovo ritrovamento con la crisi degli ostaggi"

Thursday, July 15, 2004

in rat we trust

Corriere della Sera - Austria, foto e video hard in un seminario

Guardian Unlimited | Life | Death on the Nile: "Death on the Nile"

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

SF Gate: Multimedia (image): "Yin and Yang" - Le Pakistan, pays ingouvernable - Le contrebandier de l'atome - L'Express: "Le contrebandier de l'atome"

The Korea Herald : The Nation's No.1 English Newspaper: "'Some hackers hold Chinese nationality"

Monday, July 12, 2004 > News > Mexico -- Mexican prosecutors claim organ trafficking to blame for murders of 14 women near U.S. border: "Mexican prosecutors claim organ trafficking to blame for murders of 14 women near U.S. border"

Sunday, July 11, 2004


Cases of murders of journalists in Russia - PRAVDA.Ru: "Cases of murders of journalists in Russia"

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Corriere della Sera -: "se ci si diverte lavorando, non c�� bisogno di pause per divertirsi."

Crisis? What crisis? - PRAVDA.Ru: "The financial markets are as volatile as ether"

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Japan Today - New Products - World's smallest HDD - Japan's Leading International News Network: "World's smallest HDD"

Kim Jong-il wants fries with that - The Washington Times: World - July 08, 2004: "Kim Jong-il wants fries with that"

Buddhist Links

May 28, 2004 - 'Rescue of Nigerian Astronaut Stuck in Space' is judged: "'Rescue of Nigerian Astronaut Stuck in Space' is judged the Most Outrageous example of 'Advance-Fee' emails CPB announces results of 'Spam and Bologna' Contestto warn the publi"

Yves Barbero Web Site: "'It takes a small mind and a lack of spiritual education to think that your religion is the purest, most powerful and the only religion recognized by God.'--- Gro Mambo Angela Novan - Voodoo Priestess"

This is not Saddam - PRAVDA.Ru: "This is not Saddam" pravda sais

Corriere della Sera - Kabul, il mullah Omar rintracciato al telefono: "Kabul, il mullah Omar rintracciato al telefono"

Corriere della Sera - Svezia, scarcerato l'omicida del ministro Lindh: "Svezia, scarcerato l'omicida del ministro LindhDovr� seguire una terapia psichiatrica. La corte d'appello ribalta la sentenza di primo grado"

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Bangkok's Independent Newspaper: "WEB AFFAIRS: Discovering Dutch and Flemish painting" | Energy: "Europe's power struggle"

Bangkok Post Thursday 08 July 2004 - Ex-senator Sukhum gets death: "Ex-senator Sukhum gets death"

Corriere della Sera - Sesso sul palco per �salvare le foreste�: "Fuck For Forest"

"A Cockeyed Optimist": "WindowsME remains the apex of garbage operating systems"

Politics of Christian Identity: Remaking America Along Fascist Lines: "Politics of Christian IdentityRemaking America Along Fascist Lines"

Religious Right and Christian Right in American Religion: "The Christian Identity movement is perhaps one of the most dangerous theological doctrines in America today. It is made all the more dangerous by the fact that so few people even re"

Bienal - Official Artists - Switzerland - Ugo Rondinone: "great joker of the universe"

Borobudur Temple Compounds

Bob Austino's Carden Cap 40%

Biography: Ralph Yarborough

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) - Guide to Resources on Transcendentalism and Emerson

Le Nouvel Observateur - fils et filles

Clyde Johnson: Mysterious Kennedy Assassination Death?: "A few days before Clay L. Shaw went on trial last January in New Orleans, Johnson held a news conference and said, 'I'm the ace- in-the-hole in Garrison's case.'"

KoreaTimes : Tongdo-sa: Temple Without a Buddha

Ralph - Home

in dog we trust

Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader - The Dark Side: "Forced contributions to his college PIRG groups:College PIRG groups, which Nader founded and leads despite his denials of control, use an astonishingly undemocratic, even coe"

Monday, July 05, 2004 | Higher | Two-faced politicians show the future of spin

Le Quotidien Permanent du Nouvel Observateur - Le site de Lib� attaqu� pour "antisionisme" ?

Le Quotidien Permanent du Nouvel Observateur - 5 juillet 1954 : et Elvis cr�a le Rock: "De Londres � Memphis, les fans d'Elvis se sont retrouv�s lundi pour c�l�brer le cinquanti�me anniversaire de son premier 45 tours, 'That's all right', consid�r� par certains com"

The Japan Times Online - about north korea

The Japan Times Online closets and skeletons

Corriere della Sera - Mosca, la polizia alla Yukos del nemico di Putin : '

Corriere della Sera - La Cina mette gli sms sotto controllo: "La Cina mette gli sms sotto controllo"

Rainforest Live: July 5th

Bangkok Post Monday 05 July 2004 - EU extends ban on raw meat to Dec 15 - canned chicken is very good

Sunday, July 04, 2004

: "Nostradamus n'amasse pas mousse"

The Snake God/Ashok Singh: "A cobra who escapes a snake charmers basket, and is picked up by eagles and plops into a zemindar's compound, where it enjoys thirteen years of freedom. It is prayed to as the Snake Go"

snake god - Dictionary Definition: "zombi, zombie, snake god -- a god of voodoo cults of African origin worshipped especially in West Indies"

"ROMEO HAD JULIETTE LYRICS" : - Farmers bare all for 'rain God' - Jul 4, 2004: "KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) -- Female rice farmers are plowing their fields at night in the nude to please the rain God during a dry spell in southwestern Nepal, a news report says"

Another Nepal mayor killed - Deccan Herald: "Around noon, Mr Gurung had come home for lunch and was returning to work accompanied by his driver and bodyguard. Three men opened fire on them, hitting Mr Gurung in the head and his c"

La Stampa Web: "TENNIS: MA LA HINGIS L'AVEVA VINTO A 16 ANNI, LA DOD (NEL 1887) A 15 Wimbledon: la siberiana Sharapovaa 17 anni � la nuova regina dell'erba"


KoreaTimes : A fallen tree, uprooted by heavy rains and strong winds, crushes a car on a street in Mapo, Seoul, Sunday afternoon.: "A fallen tree, uprooted by heavy rains and strong winds, crushes a car on a street in Mapo, Seoul, Sunday afternoon. Hundreds of houses and buildings were inundated in the southern"

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Killer virus hits past drug users: "Thousands of middle-aged professionals who experimented with drugs during their student days will be warned in a major government health campaign this autumn that they may be in" | Iraq after the handover: "In a positive sign, on Thursday, King Abdullah of Jordan told the BBC that his country was prepared to become the first Arab nation to offer troops to Mr Allawi, if he requested them."

Saturday, July 03, 2004

La Stampa Web - processo saddam

International War Crimes Tribunal: "Ramsey Clark served as U.S. Attorney General in the administration of Lyndon Johnson. He is the convener of the Commission of Inquiry and a human rights lawyer of world-wide respe"

Guardian Unlimited | Archive Search: "Pim is dead but his ideas are more alive than ever"

Friday, July 02, 2004

mental_floss library: "Fact of the Day"

Mozilla Extension Room

Mr Bean - The Animated Series

Classic The Tailorl sheets

Non gioco piu': "NON GIOCO PIU'" Forums: Fetish, Bondage, and BDSM Message Boards "search for 'flog' at"


flog: "alone flog ( P ) Pronunciation Key (flg, fl�g)
tr.v. flogged, flog�ging, flogs
To beat severely with a WHIP or ROD.
Informal. To publicize aggressively: flogging a new book. "

Flog - Download GPL software from our Log analyzers category "tucows - flog"

FLOG - Fly Fishing Log

Japan Today: Japan's largest English news and information portal: "

Today Poll
Who is the biggest threat to world peace?
-Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida network
-The Bush administration
-North Korea"

Japan Today - News - Man arrested for threatening to blow up lower house building - Japan's Leading International News Network

Zoroaster - Religion of Ahura Mazda Revealed By Zarathushtra (Zoroaster): "Owing to Best thought, word, and deed"

D Slavovich Ratz: Church of violence - PRAVDA.Ru: "D Slavovich Ratz: Church of violence"

Corriere della Sera - Agr - Ultima Ora

Corriere della Sera - La fine di un mito: � morto Marlon Brando

Pattaya Mail - Pattaya's First English Language Newspaper "pretty princess"

John Wayne Gacy Jr., famous Chicago serial killer - The Crime Library: "Gacy was found guilty in the deaths of thirty-three young men and as Sullivan said, he had the 'singular notoriety of having been convicted of more murders than anyone else in American history.' Gacy received the death penalty and was sent to Menard Correctional Center where, after years of appeals, he eventually was killed by lethal injection."

Thursday, July 01, 2004 "1949 Poisened poisoner exhumed ^top^
The body of L�on Besnard is exhumed in Loudon, France, by authorities searching for evidence of poison. For years, local residents had been suspicious of his wife Marie, as they watched nearly her entire family die untimely and mysterious deaths. Law enforcement officials finally began investigating Marie after the death of her mother earlier in the year. Marie married L�on in August 1929. The couple resented the fact that they lived relatively modestly while their families were so well off. When two of L�on's great aunts perished unexpectedly, most of their money was left to L�on's parents. Consequently, the Besnards invited L�on's parents to live with them. Shortly after moving in, L�on's father died, ostensibly from eating a bad mushroom. Three months later, his widow also died and neighbors began chatting about a Besnard family jinx. The inheritance was split between L�on and his sister, Lucie. Not so surprisingly, the newly rich Lucie died shortly thereafter, supposedly taking her own life. Becoming increasingly greedy, the Besnards began looking outside the family for their next victim. They took in the Rivets as boarders, who, under the Besnards' care, also died abruptly. No one was too surprised when the Rivets' will indicated Marie as the sole beneficiary. Pauline and Virginie Lallerone, cousins of the Besnards, were next in line. When Pauline died, Marie explained that she had mistakenly eaten a bowl of lye. Apparently, her sister Virginie didn't learn her lesson about carelessness, because when she died a week later, Marie told everyone that she too had inadvertently eaten lye.
When Marie fell in love with another man in 1947, L�on fell victim to her poisoning as well. Traces of arsenic were found in his exhumed body, as we"

News From Babylon : Dewhurst won't shed light on his CIA past: "1955
The President signed Public law 84-140, which mandated that the motto In God We Trust must appear on all United States currency and coinage. The Constitutional clause mandating separation of Church and State was not consulted."

ON THIS DAY | 3 | 1956 Commonwealth heads honoured: "The tradition of Freedom of the City of London dates back to the 13th century when it attracted privileges including being allowed to go about the city with a drawn sword. "

ON THIS DAY | 2 | 1952: Comet inaugurates the jet age

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