Friday, April 30, 2004

Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition) : Daily News in English About Korea - traditional Korean fans

Thursday, April 29, 2004

La Stampa Web: "Un�auto che corresse ai 140 all�ora su una strada statale oggi sarebbe inseguita dalla polizia. Nel 1929 veniva applaudita"

La Stampa Web: "�Non si dovr� mai confondere l�errore con l�errante�,"

Sex stimulates intellect - PRAVDA.Ru

KYODO NEWS: "China announces N. Korea working group talks to start in May"

Photo Reports: "VERSACE: Fashion collection for 2004"

Photo Reports: "50 mummies found in the ancient shafts of Egypt"

La Stampa Web: "Loculo conteso
decide il sindaco: �Spetta
a chi � morto prima�"

Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition) : Daily News in English About Korea: "Former Daewoo Head Kills Himself Following Roh's Comments"

Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition) : Daily News in English About Korea: "South Jeolla Province Governor Commits Suicide "

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition) : Daily News in English About Korea - Korean Gov't To Send All Materials Requested by the North

Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition) : Daily News in English About Korea: "A Boy From Sangmori"

Sunday, April 25, 2004


Ciampi: senza memoria non c'è futuro

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition) : Daily News in English About Korea: "(16-504) An Opening Up / Chancellor Erhardt "

Velvet Underground To Re-release Banana Album

Friday, April 23, 2004

Business News Article | "Libya Confirms Oil Cargo to U.S."

content_home: "Adesso le dico un segreto, quando venne in Italia Arafat per i funerali di Berlinguer, nei suoi confronti c'era un ordine di cattura emesso dal giudice Mastelloni. Avevamo paura che ci arrestassero Arafat, e io allora ero presidente del Senato lo nascosi insieme ai suoi all'interno dell'allora mio appartamento al Senato, e depistammo i carabinieri che avevano avuto l'ordine dal giudice Mastelloni di eseguire il mandato di cattura. Adesso lo si pu� dire. "

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Last Emperor, The (1987)

.:: Office of the Mayor :: James K. Hahn ::.

Aces of the Luftwaffe - Hans Assi Hahn

Assi Helani Arabic Songs and Music


Munich September 5, 1972 ::: "Commanders of the attack were Luttif Afif ('Issa'), a Palestinian militant born in Nazareth. Issa's mother, ironically, was Jewish"

2nd world war liberation montgomery: "Operation Market Garden"

Top News Article | "

Israel Sees Missile-Protected El Al Plane by June"

Top News Article | "Up to 3,000 people were killed or injured when two trains loaded with fuel collided and exploded at a North Korean station Thursday"

Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition) : Daily News in English About Korea - A picture of the last Imperial Family

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Le Quotidien Permanent du Nouvel Observateur - 68 morts et 98 bless�s dans cinq attaques: "La majorit� des victimes sont des policiers et des �coliers" Autobomba esplode a Riad almeno sei morti e 60 feriti

Le : En 1940, Picasso n'�tait pas digne de devenir Fran�ais: "En 1940, Picasso n'�tait pas digne de devenir Fran�ais"

La Stampa Web: "E' morto l'ex ufficiale delle Ss Karl Hass"

Monday, April 19, 2004

The Danger Of The Low-Cost Cruise Missile News - Top Stories - British troops 'in Iraq for ten years': "British troops 'in Iraq for ten years' "

Le � vrai faux � t�l�gramme qui pr�cipite l'entr�e en guerre des �tats-Unis [R�seau Voltaire]

Les �tats-Unis appliquent le soup�on ethnique [R�seau Voltaire]: "Les �tats-Unis appliquent le soup�on ethnique" - Air France launches Vietnam flights - Apr 18, 2004 - Researchers develop 3-D search engine - Apr 16, 2004 - China launches�'micro' satellite� - Apr 18, 2004: "Long March 2 C carrier rocket " - Madrid policeman's body burned - Apr 19, 2004: "Madrid policeman's body burned"

Corriere della Sera - Ecco l'ultima frontiera del sesso: il �toothing�: "Ecco l'ultima frontiera del sesso: il �toothing�"

Pravda.RU Russia may have biometric passports in 2 years: "Russia may have biometric passports in 2 years"

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Corriere della Sera : "Hormuz-24 & corsairs"

Corriere della Sera - Muore attrice indiana candidata alle elezioni: "Soundarya, 32 anni aveva recitato in oltre 100 film ed era una delle maggiori star di Bollywood" Yusra refuses remuneration for public appearances: "The actress has accepted a leading role in the new television drama series �Al Hub Moutan� (Love to Death), in which she plays the role of a woman who struggles with the traditions of her society trying to make something of herself. � "

Friday, April 16, 2004

Le Figaro Magazine, l'actualit� les dossiers et les grands reportages: "la 906 ne d�passe pas 575 kilos sur la bascule. Un argument de poids qui laisse deviner des performances impressionnantes et une agilit� hors du commun. Sa polyvalence, qui lui permit en 1966 de se distinguer aux 24 Heures de Daytona et de remporter la Targa Florio, forcera de nouveau l'admiration sur les routes de ce Tour � la saveur inimitable."


Tutto Jacovitti

Le Figaro Magazine, l'actualit� les dossiers et les grands reportages: "Les morceaux du Lightning P 38 seront expos�s au mus�e de l'Air au Bourget et toutes les petites �toiles sem�es par l'auteur du Petit Prince resteront � jamais dans nos coeurs d'enfant."

AUTOAMNISTIAMOCI!: "i brigatisti, nella loro liturgia, Moretti� non ha potuto percepire quei segnali in democristianese che pure c'erano, perch� tutti cercavano una via d'uscita�Prima volevano tredici persone, poi nove, poi due malatissimi, poi uno, Buonoconto� A Leone, che voleva firmare la grazia, gliel'hanno fatta pagare, non perch� il figlio non fosse corrotto (quando mai in Italia s'era visto che per la corruzione del figlio una ha l'empeachment?).
No. Non gli hanno perdonato che voleva graziare Buonoconto, il quale poi � uscito dopo sei mesi, perch� era ormai finito e si � suicidato dopo sei mesi ancora. Pensa che tragedia assurda.
Un fallimento nobile"

il manifesto - quotidiano comunista: "Perch� in Europa non esiste un farmaco come il Triomune, che combina in una sola pastiglia tre farmaci del pi� diffuso cocktail per il trattamento dei malati di Aids? semplice: i detentori dei tre brevetti (Glaxo, Bristol e Boeringer) non si mettono d'accordo su come spartire le royalties"

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Le Nouvel Observateur : Monde, IRAK : Le pi�ge de Fallouja: "la d�termination des 'r�sistants'"

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 Moscow recommends citizens to refrain from visiting Iraq following abduction of eight Russians: "Southern Dora thermal power station"

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Kaluza: "more than fifteen languages, including Hebrew, Hungarian, Arabic, and Lithuanian. He had a keen sense of humour. A nonswimmer, he once demonstrated the power of theoretical knowledge by reading a book on swimming, then swimming successfully on his first attempt (he was over thirty when he performed this feat). Kaluza loved nature as well as science and was also fond of children. "

NOVA Online | Time Travel | Traveling Through Time: "In fact, there is a story circulating among scientists of an immigrant to America who has lost his watch. He walks up to a man on a New York street and asks, 'Please, Sir, what is time?' The scientist replies, 'I'm sorry, you'll have to ask a philosopher. I'm just a physicist.' "

BBC - h2g2 - Twins - A369434: "Twins - draft copy also written and researched by Niwt (U162817)"

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Cats: who they really are? :: Cats feeding, cat's genetics, breeds, care breeding, cat's psychology, cat at a show, veterinary, cat's anatomy :: Zooclub - all animals: " cats' abilities remain one of the biggest mysteries of our century"

Friday, April 09, 2004

La guerre, seule alternative � la crise �conomique [R�seau Voltaire]: "La guerre, seule alternative � la crise �conomique"

Thursday, April 08, 2004 : Dinner Roll Recipe Proves Dangerous

PhysicsWeb - Superconducting diamond turns up in Russia

Biased, Biased West - PRAVDA.Ru: "Today's situation in Chechnya is tragic. Unfortunately, nobody knows how to solve it. Here is the catch: this is not a conflict between 'right' and 'wrong' but a conflict between 'right' and 'right'. This is the essence of the tragedy"

Internet-censorship Russian style - PRAVDA.Ru: "According to the experts, if it wasn't for the West, those developing countries would not have been able to implement censorship so easily and efficiently"

Monday, April 05, 2004

QUOTIDIANO.NET: "Dal battesimo con �Azzurra�
alle emozioni del �Moro� "

America's Cup Global Information Service: "ALINGHI AND ORACLE IN SAN FRANCISCO"


Saturday, April 03, 2004

le petit prince

Pravda.RU NASA testing Einstein theory

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