Monday, July 31, 2006

Geodesic Dome: How Products are Made: "In 1919, seeking a way to build a larger planetarium, German engineer Walter Bauersfeld decided to mount movable projectors within a stationary dome. Until that time, planetarium domes rotated while external light entered through holes on the dome shell to simulate stars and planets. This limited the practical size of the dome and the number of people it could hold."

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Tanga banditi dalle spiagge sulla Senna - Corriere della Sera: "SVEDESI IN TOPLESS, SCANDALO IN ALBANIA - E lo scandalo topless è arrivato anche in Albania, dove un gruppo di turiste svedesi ha lasciato senza parole i bagnanti sulla spiaggia di Sarande, nel sud del Paese, presentandosi in topless. Le mamme si sono ritirate insieme ai bambini per sottrarli alla vista scandalosa, dopo aver chiamato la polizia. Invece di intervenire gli agenti «sono rimasti a guardare... » scrive un quotidiano locale, che però giustifica le forze dell'ordine spiegando che i militari non parlano inglese, e quindi non potevano farsi capire dalle turiste" :):)

Inteli-Tube Pneumatic Transportation System: "Other alternative mass-transit systems fail because they ask people to sacrifice the benefits of their cars. Pneumatic tube pods, on the other hand, offer those same benefits plus a few that cars can't. Pods offer the privacy and comfort of a single-occupancy motor vehicle. (Actually, the privacy of a pod is greater than that of a car, since they are situated such that no one can look inside the window. You could even travel naked!) At the same time, the per capita space used is diminished to even less than that of high-occupancy vehicles via smaller vehicle size, closer high-speed spacing, and more efficient space usage.

The automatic routing of the Inteli-Tube system means that users need only select a destination and the pod will deliver them quickly and safely with no additional occupant effort. In fact, a pod can be made smart enough to wirelessly communicate with your personal digital assistant or laptop and deliver you to your meeting or reservation without even having to prompt it. Just step into any available pod and you end up where you need to be. This type of automated transit will free up time for work, rest, etc. that currently is wasted on manual vehicle operations."

hey, do you have one for two, maybe three ? :):)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Puppies for sale | Horses for sale | Alpacas for sale | Llamas for sale

Wired News: License Plate Tracking for All: "The next step is connecting the technology to databases that will tell cops whether a sexual offender has failed to register in the state or is loitering too close to a school, or whether a driver has an outstanding warrant. It could also snag you if you're uninsured, if your license expired last week or even if your library books are overdue.

The subway has never looked more appealing.

Interview with Jordan's Foreign Minister al-Khatib: "We're Dealing with an Extremely Dangerous Crisis" - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News: "
'We're Dealing with an Extremely Dangerous Crisis'

Jordan's government holds Hezbollah partly responsible for the escalation of violence in the Middle East. In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, Jordan's Foreign Minister Abdelelah al-Khatib calls for a cease-fire before fighting causes a regional catastrophe."

George W. Bush's policy takes the USA to financial collapse - Pravda.Ru: "On Wednesday 17 May the Dow Jones plunged 214 points to 11,206 - its worst point drop since March 2003. The downward trend started a week ago and is a warning sign of troubles ahead. This sudden drop has come as a complete surprise to the unfortunate small investors and speculators. The so called 'experts' point at the sudden threat of inflation as the main cause of the recent reversals in the markets."

Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the Middle East: With friends like these... - Pravda.Ru: "The East is to-day the place of change - of changes so great and swift that in comparison with it our Europe is standing still. We have been much engaged lately, making wars and peaces, looking at our own hurts, and trying to restore the balance of the times, and so we have not always been able to spare attention to what Asia is doing or thinking. We have tried to deal with her on the old traditional lines, and to our dismay she has not reacted properly. There have been outbreaks, unrest, protestations, and we, lacking the knowledge of movements there, have missed the sequence and find ourselves reduced to force, as our last remedy and restoration.'

These are apt words spoken not by a diplomat in New York, Paris or London, but by the legendary T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) in 1920. It seems that once again the West is ignoring the signs of change, relying on old traditional lines."

11 nations sign protocol opening Nazi files - Pravda.Ru: "11 nations sign protocol opening Nazi files"

Mikhail Khodorkovsky's oil empire Yukos goes bankrupt with 18 billion dollar debt - Pravda.Ru: "Mikhail Khodorkovsky's oil empire Yukos goes bankrupt with 18 billion dollar debt"

FunReports.Com: A high-heels race took place in Moscow: "A high-heels race took place in Moscow"

FunReports.Com: Chinese gays are no longer mentally diseased but still not welcomed in army: "Chinese gays are no longer mentally diseased but still not welcomed in army"

Apollo 11 UFO Encounter: "A few days ago on The Science Channel, a program called 'First on the Moon: The Untold Story' was aired. About 14:30 min/sec into the program, there was a 3.5 minute segment that described a UFO encounter that Apollo 11 experienced during its flight to the moon. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time that Buzz Aldrin, an Apollo 11 astronaut, had ever publicly recounted any UFO experience associated with the Apollo 11 moon mission. Also of interest, I wonder how the UFO footage that was supposedly taken from a later Apollo mission obtained?"

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Group of Eight elite club to decline and collapse without Russia - Pravda.Ru: "On the other hand, Russia is not a member of OPEC, which means that its assistance could be important in case OPEC members took certain actions to destabilize the situation on the energy market. In other words, Russia could become a political bridge linking the West with the rest of the world, including other energy suppliers. Those Western forces that still want to dictate their prices to oil and gas suppliers apparently dislike the idea."

Bush and chaos in the world - Pravda.Ru: "'I think this is the worst government the US has ever had in its more than 200 years of history.' George A. Akerlof, 2001 Nobel Prize laureate in economics, (July 29, 2003)"

Virtual sex betrays all ideas of gender identity - Pravda.Ru: "Virtual sex betrays all ideas of gender identity"

«Il caldo da record è la vendetta del pianeta Terra» - La Stampa Web: "
«Il caldo da record
è la vendetta
del pianeta Terra»
I meteorologi francesi: disastri irreversibili
L’ondata di afa dall’Europa agli Stati Uniti"

Monday, July 24, 2006

Double, Double Toil and Trouble - ShakespeareDouble, double toil and trouble

Legal Affairs: "NOAH FELDMAN SEEMS TO BELIEVE THAT AMERICANS are deeply divided over religion. According to his recent book, Divided by God: America's Church-State Problem—and What We Should Do About It, he sees a country split between those he calls 'legal secularists,' who want to keep religion out of public life, and those he terms 'values evangelicals,' who want religion to be a central part of it. To Feldman, a professor at New York University School of Law, legal secularists tend to be blue-state Democrats who seldom see the inside of a church. Values evangelicals, by contrast, tend to be found in the red states, overwhelmingly to vote Republican, and to want politicians to speak the language of faith and make decisions based on faith. " ... is there still a hope in amerika to be left in peace by god freaks ? ...

The Profit of God - Christianity Today Magazine: "The Profit of God" i see ... amerika is getting more and more interesting ...

Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility : Home i see, this could be called "church dirigism"

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Low-level magnetic fields concern: "Low-level magnetic fields concern"

Sunday, July 23, 2006

«Il martirio islamico è legittimo» - Corriere della Sera: "Che un tribunale sciaraitico di Al Qaeda dica che è legittimo combattere contro le forze internazionali in Afghanistan e che è legittimo il «martirio » degli islamici che muoiono in battaglia, è un fatto scontato. Che lo sentenzi il tribunale della libertà di Bologna ci preoccupa assai. Ebbene, ciò è quanto si evince dall’ordinanza del 27 giugno 2006 emessa dalla corte presieduta da Liviana Gobbi, con cui è stata respinta la richiesta di custodia in carcere nei confronti di 18 sospetti terroristi islamici.
La sentenza ha affermato il principio che «restano esclusi dall’ambito della definizione di terrorismo gli atti di violenza, da chiunque compiuti, contro militari impegnati in un conflitto armato, salvo la illiceità di tali atti sotto altri profili del diritto internazionale umanitario (crimini di guerra o contro l’umanità)»."

Due o tre cose che so del bandito Giuliano - La Stampa Web: "Ma Longanesi sostiene che IO E IL RE dovrebbero allearsi e che questo sarebbe l'unico modo per risolvere in modo serio (cioè, pensa lui, non democratico) il problema istituzionale in Italia. "

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Future Boy: This is your brain on Google - Jul. 21, 2006: "Controlling devices with the mind is just the beginning. Next, Wolf believes, is what he calls 'network-enabled telepathy' - instant thought transfer. In other words, your thoughts will flow from your brain over the network right into someone else's brain. If you think instant messaging is addictive, just wait for instant thinking.


Friday, July 21, 2006

Shamil Basayev's severed head taken to expertise in plastic bag - Pravda.Ru: "Shamil Basayev's severed head taken to expertise in plastic bag"

Rare photographs of Marilyn Monroe (Photo) - Pravda.Ru: "Rare photographs of Marilyn Monroe"

Python swallows electric blanket with cord and control box (Photo) - Pravda.Ru: "Python swallows electric blanket with cord and control box"

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Three mysteries of Earth may kill humans like dinosaurs - Pravda.Ru: "Three mysteries of Earth may kill humans like dinosaurs"

Monday, July 17, 2006

Second Life | What is Second Life?

on femalefirst :)

Attrice in bikini fa precipitare un elicottero - Corriere della Sera lolololol :) Home Page: "AUSSIE F-111s SINK NORTH KOREAN SHIP OFF AUSTRALIAN COAST
(from Australian 23 Mar 06). THE North Korean freighter used to smuggle 150kg of heroin into Australia three years ago now rests on the ocean's bottom, after being destroyed by a pair of laser-guided bombs. Four F-111 strike bombers flying from RAAF Amberley in Queensland proved dead on target as the 3500-tonne freighter drifted 140km off Jervis Bay this morning. Two 800kg (2000lbs) precision guided bombs struck the Pong Su's hull with massive blasts, showering debris over a wide area. The vessel sank quickly into deep water. "


Boeing: Commercial Airplanes -- 717 Home

Taj Mahal, India's national symbol, lost many of its priceless treasures through centuries - Pravda.Ru

France refuses to put Captain Dreyfus' ashes in the Pantheon - Pravda.Ru: "On the centenary of the article in 1998, the French Roman Catholic daily newspaper La Croix apologized for rabid anti-Semitic editorials printed during the Dreyfus Affair, and for attacking Zola, reports AP."


Russia evacuates its citizens from Lebanon through Syria."

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Open Web Letter - An Open Web Letter to Hobbyists: "An Open Web Letter to Hobbyists
Good software for the hobby market

February 3, 1976"

hum, i see ...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

30 Soviet mongrel dogs paved the way into space for entire mankind - Pravda.Ru: "30 Soviet mongrel dogs paved the way into space for entire mankind"

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Wenders scatta: io, pittore mancato - La Stampa Web: "

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Kyodo News - StoryJapan still seeks U.N. resolution to sanction N. Korea

Nationalize the US Defense Industry: Public good should trump private greed - Pravda.Ru: "And what about the status of the USA, its people and its infrastructure that the national security apparatus is supposed to be defending? A day may come when there is not much worth fighting for.. The FBI reports that violent crime increased in 2005 to its highest rate in 15 years. The American Society of Civil Engineers says it'll take almost $2 trillion to repair water systems, roads, schools and electrical grids. Nobel Laureate Joe Stiglitz says the total costs of the current Iraq War will cost another $2 trillion. The Catholic Conference for Human Development indicates that 37 million Americans live in poverty. The US Census Bureau reports that 45 million Americans can't afford health insurance. On top of that, add a trillion dollars to fully repair hurricane-damaged New Orleans, Louisiana, and cover the costs of neighboring state governments as they absorb hundreds of thousands of displaced Americans from New Orleans . Federal debt, and personal debt is at record levels. The home-front is decaying."

Monday, July 10, 2006

Parole sensate? Dipende da chi le dice - Corriere della Sera: "Da uno studio della University of Amsterdam
Parole sensate? Dipende da chi le dice
Comprendere una frase non è questione di contenuto: fatichiamo a capire chi dice cose che non si addicono al proprio ruolo o figura"

Sunday, July 09, 2006

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Panorama | Climate chaos: Bush's climate of fear: "Climate chaos: Bush's climate of fear"

EvC Forum: Who Created the Creator?: "Who Created the Creator?" ... apparently simple, the creator of the creator :) ...

Corriere della Sera - Campionati Mondiali di calcio Germania 2006: "Favola azzurra, Italia Campione del Mondo"

Internet sui fili della luce a Brescia - Corriere della Sera: "Internet sui fili della luce a Brescia
l'azienda di servizi locale lancia un accesso a 17 euro al mese" PER UNA VOLTA SIAMO AL PASSO COI TEMPI :)

Marito mio.... come ti addestro - Corriere della Sera: "Marito mio.... come ti addestro
Dopo aver imparato i trucchi del mestiere sugli animali selvaggi, una giornalista scrittrice ha deciso di sperimentarli sul compagno"

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Airplane An-18 crashed in eastern Congo; three Russians killed"

Tariq Ramadan: «I giovani musulmani cresciuti in Europa e Usa guariranno l’Islam» - La Stampa Web: "
Tariq Ramadan: «I giovani musulmani
cresciuti in Europa e Usa guariranno l’Islam»"

Friday, July 07, 2006 Worldwide: "U.S. Foils Plot to Attack New York City Transportation System

July 7 (Bloomberg) -- Authorities in the U.S. and overseas foiled a plot to attack the New York City transportation system, and a 31-year-old Lebanese man who described himself as a ``mastermind'' of the plan has been arrested, the FBI said."

Nucleare NordCorea: il Giappone fa un passo indietro - La Stampa Web

Diastro Linate, 2 assolti e tante polemiche - La Stampa Web: "CRONACHE
Diastro Linate, 2 assolti e tante polemiche
Si è concluso con 5 condanne, 2 assoluzioni e una pronuncia di inappellabilità il processo di secondo grado per il disastro aereo di Linate nel quale, l'8 ottobre 2001, morirono 118 persone"

Thursday, July 06, 2006

FunReports.Com: Pop singer Pink enjoys the nipple piercing (pics): "Pop singer Pink enjoys the nipple piercing (pics)" nice ears :):)

The Pentagon develops new shape-changing bomber plane (Photo) - Pravda.Ru: "The Pentagon develops new shape-changing bomber plane" a tribute to Horten from the twilight zone :)

Hybrid vehicle by BMW - an eye-opener (Photo) - Pravda.Ru: "Hybrid vehicle by BMW - an eye-opener" cute,cute,cute !!! , the hybrid isetta :) i want a baby blue one, like in wenders lisbon movie ... he he :)

Russian "Pussycat Dolls" perform on stage naked (Photo) - Pravda.Ru: "Russian 'Pussycat Dolls' perform on stage naked" il sito internet del quotidiano IL TEMPO: "Nel salotto tv di Bruno Vespa, a proposito del crocifisso, il presidente dell'Umi disse non solo che lo stesso «raffigura un cadavere in miniatura nudo, appeso a un pezzo di legno"

Free Phone Calls Are A Reality: JaJah Does It Again - Robin Good's Latest News: "Free Phone Calls Are A Reality: JaJah Does It Again"

Russian K-19 nuclear submarine saved the globe from third world war - Pravda.Ru: "July 4 is considered to be a traditional day to commemorate the tragedy of the K-19 submarine that took place in 1961. The submarine crew managed to prevent a nuclear explosion on board the cruiser and, as a possible consequence, a third world war"

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

New America Media: "Editor's Note: Italian investigators probing the kidnapping of an Egyptian imam off the streets of Milan have uncovered links between Italian defense firms, former top-level politicians and covert U.S. operations. At the web's center is the man who many say delivered the falsified Niger 'yellowcake' uranium ore dossier to the White House -- a document the Bush administration used to push for war on Iraq. Jeffrey Klein, a founding editor of Mother Jones, freelances for magazines, radio and television. Paolo Pontoniere is a New America Media European commentator."

Arrestato direttore Sismi Marco Mancini Mandati per altri 5 funzionari Sismi e Cia - La Stampa Web: "Il presidente emerito della Repubblica, Francesco Cossiga, commenta l'operazione odierna con toni ironici e annuncia di avere inviato un'interpellanza al presidente del Consiglio, al Ministro degli Affari Esteri, al Ministro dell'Interno e al Ministro della Difesa, per sapere se «dopo il fondamentale contributo dato alla sicurezza del Paese dalla Procura della Repubblica di Milano con lo smantellamento tramite tempestivi arresti della Divisione controspionaggio del Sismi non intendano intavolare immediatamente trattative con Al Quaeda»."

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Mysterious crystal skulls of Maya possess supernatural capacities - Pravda.Ru: "According to a popular story, English researcher Frederick A. Mitchell-Hedges found the Skull of Doom among Maya ruins in Lubaantun (now Belize) in 1927."

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