Sunday, October 31, 2004

Graf Camillo�Benso di Cavour - Biografie rasscass

Tudor Citizens - Thomas Cromwell

Artality: Robert Cromwell Price

Robert Blake 1599-1657

Thomas Blake Glover

Oliver Blake

Saturday, October 30, 2004

A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen: "A Doll�s House"

kawabata primary sources: "Return Trip Tango"

kawabata primary sources: "House of Sleeping Beauties"

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Corriere della Sera - L'Fbi ritrova Picasso rubato dai nazisti

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Japan Today - News - 21 dead, 1,500 injured after 4 quakes rock Japan - Japan's Leading International News Network: "21 dead, 1,500 injured after 4 quakes rock Japan"

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Massacre of Iraqi army recruits: "'This was an execution. We found the dead lying face down by the roadside with a single bullet wound to the head,' Iraqi national guard commander Ali al-Kaaki is quoted as saying by the AFP news agency. "

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Times Online - Britain: "Motorists win a truce in parking war with wardens"

Over 30 000 children get lost in Russia annually - PRAVDA.Ru: "Over 30 000 children get lost in Russia annually"

The Death of the Bill of Rights in America - PRAVDA.Ru: "James Madison said two centuries ago, 'We are free today substantially, but the day will come when our Republic will be an impossibility. It will be an impossibility because wealth will be concentrated in the hands of a few. A Republic cannot stand upon bayonets, and when the day comes, when the wealth of the nation will be in the hands of a few, then we must rely upon the wisdom of the best elements in the country to readjust the laws of the nation to the changed conditions.'
Perhaps that day has arrived."

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Times Online - Britain - Can polygamy ever work? -> YES -> STAY SINGLE :) LMAO

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The Impact of Television

TV-B-Gone is Coming Soon...

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Milky Way a hodgepodge of violence / Scientists pan theory of peaceful accretion

The Korea Times : About 3,000 sex workers stage a demonstration in front of Chongnyangni Station in Seoul, Tuesday, to protest the government's crackdown on sex trade. They demanded the government hammer out measures to ensure their livelihood.

Corriere della Sera - Le foto del giorno - Durga a fianco di un demone

Monday, October 18, 2004

Liquid Air Cycle Rocket Equation

Colonello Buttiglione, Il movie posters and memorabilia at MovieGoods

Actualit�, COMISSION EUROPEENNE, UE : Buttiglione se pose en victime

News - 'If this isn't genocide, then what on earth is?'


Liquid air cycle engine: "LACE & SATAN"

The Guardian and Observer Digital Editions

BBC News | UK | 'Erotic gherkin' for London skyline

Sunday, October 17, 2004

04.30.2004 - UC Berkeley anthropology professor working on organs trafficking - Last of Mercury astronauts remember 'Gordo' Cooper - Oct 15, 2004

The New York Times > Opinion > The Promise of the First Amendment

Yahoo! News - Scientists gingerly tap into brain's power

SETI@home: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at home - Space pioneer?Gordon Cooper dies - Oct 4, 2004


Actualit�, SPECIAL ELECTION AMERICAINE , Salinger, l'ex porte-parole de John Kennedy, est mort

Times Online - Sunday Times - danger of British soldiers being associated with heavy-handed US military tactics

Times Online - Sunday Times - a Democrat for Bush

Saturday, October 16, 2004

cute :)

Corriere della Sera - Finca Vigia

Corriere della Sera - Motrice viaggia da sola per tre ore: "Motrice viaggia da sola per tre ore"

Friday, October 15, 2004

Corriere della Sera - Riforme costituzionali, via libera alla Camera: "Riforme costituzionali, via libera alla Camera - hum ..."

Thursday, October 14, 2004

RAWA statement on the US strikes on Afghanistan

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Corriere della Sera - Valencia, il ritorno di New Zealand e Luna Rossa

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Official ROLEX Website: the perpetual spirit watch collections

ROL Assistant Download - !Sp�cial Elections pr�sidentielles am�ricaines - L'Express: "Quand l'Am�rique �tait fran�aise" - La peinture � grands traits - L'aube impressionniste - L'Express

Le Quotidien Permanent du Nouvel Observateur - Paris : simulation d'un attentat radioactif

Le Quotidien Permanent du Nouvel Observateur - Hommage unanime � Jacques Derrida: "Hommage unanime
� Jacques Derrida "

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Palm: Software Development - Alternatives to C - CoBOL for Palm : "apparently the announcement was posted on the 1st of April"

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Corriere della Sera - L'America processa il �cannibale del Montana�: "L'America processa il �cannibale del Montana"

Corriere della Sera - In Cambogia mangiare cadaveri non � reato: "In Cambogia mangiare cadaveri non � reato"

Corriere della Sera - mausoleo di Gengis Khan

Lt. No Kum-Sok mig 15

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

La Stampa Web - Vela, regate Valencia: vittoria
e sconfitta per «Luna Rossa»

La Stampa Web - L'Occidente non fa figli
perché ha paura del futuro

Corriere della Sera - jokes

Corriere della Sera - I pinguini sbagliano rotta e sbarcano a Rio

Monday, October 04, 2004

Corriere della Sera - Cern, mezzo secolo di scienza europea

Corriere della Sera - A due americani il Nobel per la medicina: "A due americani il Nobel per la medicina"

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Questia Online Library - The Online Library - The Effect of Country Music on Suicide

"Things get worse with Coke "

la Sentinella - news - Eta, arrestato 'Antza', il capo dei separatisti

News - At large, material to make 15,000 nuclear bombs Saudi-Born female eyes U.S. political office: "Masry said. 'I remember the day she gave us our clothes, and she put candy in my hand, and put us on the airplane and said 'go.' ' "

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