Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Multics Humor - .edom oediv esrever ni si lanimret ehT :_oi_lanimret
Another JERK is now logging in from DCA terminal 'none'.
EI$:()I%:<>I[:{}I;*-@I#:OE - Indian Totem smiley
&:^=[ - A. Hilter
(:-E= - Shroud of Turin

... seen it in gcos too ...

exokernel :>)

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Technical and Quality Management Portal - Home - France's soaring Millau bridge seen from orbit: " Architect Sir Norman Foster designed the Millau bridge to fulfil a 120-year warranty."

NASA - Cassini-Huygens: Close Encounter with Saturn

Corriere della Sera - La sonda Huygens � su Titano: i primi dati: "Il �lander� di Cassini � atterrato sulla luna di Saturno
La sonda Huygens � su Titano: i primi dati
Dopo un viaggio lungo 7 anni, la missione pi� difficile
Le prime immagini sono giunte intorno alle 21.30"

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Sigmund Freud: "Freud's books were burned in Germany by 1933. Said Freud: 'What progress we are making. In the Middle Ages they would have burned me. Now they are content with burning my books"

Wilhelm Reich: "A beleaguered Reich died in prison on November 3, 1957
Ironically, in 1939, long before being crushed by the long arm of American justice, Wilhelm Reich had immigrated to the U.S. to escape the goose-stepping, mass mind fascism of the Nazis."

Medical system is leading cause of death and injury in US - Health Supreme: "Medical system is leading cause of death and injury in US"

Corriere della Sera - In Europa pi� suicidi che morti sulle strade: " il suicidio � la pi� importante causa di morte in Europa"

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Actualit�, PACIFIQUE, Un sous-marin nucl�aire am�ricain s'est �chou�: "Un sous-marin nucl�aire
am�ricain s'est �chou�"

Actualit�, ETATS-UNIS, "Mississipi Burning" : l'ex du Klan nie: "'Mississipi Burning' :
l'ex du Klan nie "

Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement: "Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement"

AMERICAN RACISM: "AMERICAN RACISM" News - Latest News - Space Mission Aims to Blast Comet Open: "Space Mission Aims to Blast Comet Open"

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Science News Article |

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