Monday, August 30, 2004

Constellation marks 150 years - The Washington Times: Metropolitan - August 30, 2004

La Stampa Web: " Ko Yong Hee, la moglie del leader comunista nordcoreano, �morta questo mese per un attacco cardiaco"

Human Cloning, The How to Page

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Hilton Obenzinger Website

Burning Churches, Ruined Homes and Ethnic Hatred. Are the Balkans Set to Explode Again?

Reuters AlertNet - Muslim rioters burn 13 churches in north Nigeria

Laura Branigan - Diskographie, Alben, Singles und Soundtracks

KYODO NEWS - over a 100 million yen political donation involving the Japan Dental Association

John Muir Exhibit: "a religion with no churches"

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Corriere della Sera - Russia, trovato corpo della presunta kamikaze

Corriere della Sera - Iran: vetrine vietate per lingerie e animali impuri

Explosives found in both crashed Russian jets

Virtual AGC Home Page

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Corriere della Sera - Germania, le prostitute hanno un contratto: "Germania, le prostitute hanno un contratto"

Il Secolo XIX Web

special services deniy allegations of terrorist act aboard the planes - PRAVDA.Ru

Monday, August 23, 2004

Rasputin - an understanding for both Russians and non-Russians. - PRAVDA.Ru

orange II

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Near-Earth Object Program: "Hayabusa Spacecraft Rounds Earth and Heads for Near-Earth Asteroid "

Saturday, August 21, 2004

FORCES CALIFORNIA - PROHIBITION NEWS UPDATE: "Here we document the fight for freedom and self- determination of smokers and business owners against the most vicious branch of the anti- smoking cartel in the world. In California%2C the cartel is financed by Proposition 99%2C the most disgusting law of the Union. With Proposition 99%2C every time a smoker buys cigarettes%2C part of the revenue from that sale goes to finance an array of organizations whose only purpose is to instigate hatred against smoking%2C smokers%2C and tobacco industry%2C as well as disseminating false information. In short%2C smokers finance their own persecution%2C an idea borrowed from Nazi Germany. This huge and endless supply of money has resulted in the most vicious anti-smoking state on Earth."

Friday, August 20, 2004

Prince Sultan Bin Bandar Al-Faisal, who heads Saudi conglomerate Group Tech Corp., will next week send a letter of intent to Ssangyong's creditors, said Kim Jin-baek, the president of Group Tech Korea

Chaines arabes Al-Arabiya ou la tentation d' une contre-culture

Thursday, August 19, 2004

US News Article - best buy

BBC NEWS %7C Health %7C Patients given artificial blood

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Phuket Thailand%3A Thai girls%2C temples and festivals

Le Quotidien Permanent du Nouvel Observateur - L%27immunit%E9 de Pinochet r%E9examin%E9e: "l%27Op%E9ration Condor."

Where ghosts live in Russia - PRAVDA.Ru

Monday, August 16, 2004

Pathologists mix up two dead bodies, persuade relatives humans change after death - PRAVDA.Ru: "Pathologists mix up two dead bodies, persuade relatives humans change after death
08/16/2004 12:39
Relatives of the deceased man received the body of a different person from morgue "

Saturday, August 14, 2004

General Thrust Equation

The Drag Equation

First international piloting air show opens in Moscow region - PRAVDA.Ru: "In addition, Aeroastra light aircraft will grace the sky along with the daily parade of balloons. Spectators will also see a unique show entitled 'What is faster: a plane or a car?' Porsche cars will compete with MiG-29 pursuit planes"

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Corriere della Sera - La paura nei film spiegata da un'equazione: "L'EQUAZIONE MAGICA - L'equazione della paura � (es + u + cs + t) al quadrato + s + (tl + f)/2 + (a + dr +fs)/n + sin x -1, hanno concluso i ricercatori dell'ateneo londinese.

Un'immagine del celebre film di Stanley Kubrick �Shining�
Applicando l'espressione algebrica, � emerso cos� che �Shining�, il film del 1980 che vede Jack Nicholson nella parte di un pazzo omicida, � il massimo esempio di film dell'orrore. L'equipe di studiosi, diretta dalla matematica Anna Sigler, ha trascorso su incarico di Sky Movies due settimane ad esaminare una selezione di thriller culto come �L'Esorcista� ed �Il Silenzio degli Innocenti�, con il risultato di individuare quattro elementi fondamentali per creare la suspence: l'escalation musicale (es); l'ignoto (u); scene di inseguimento (cs) e la sensazione d'intrappolamento (t). Poich� la suspence � considerata come il pi� importante elemento di una pellicola horror, la relativa espressione algebrica � stata elevata al quadrato e poi sommata con lo shock (s). "

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Seven Eleven: "7- Eleven retail Training Center"

What about Seven Heavens?: "And He created seven skies (heavens) in two days, and taught each sky its duties"

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Drake Equation

Monday, August 09, 2004

KYODO NEWS: "4 dead, 7 injured in nuke plant steam leak accident"

Corriere della Sera - E' morto il grande amore di King Kong

Daily Zen Meditation - send a Zen card :)

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Shri Surya Deva - The Sun

Corriere della Sera - Filmata la nascita di un piccolo di squalo: "Filmata la nascita di un piccolo di squalo" - Survey finds rudeness is getting worse - April 3, 2002: "US - Survey finds rudeness is getting worse"

"insult:same to you buddy
insult:well then...
insult:do you kiss your mother with that mouth"

The Nifty Boards -- Heh heh heh: "I'm the World-Famous Plumber's brother right now ...

Then I jump to FF1 world


Saturday, August 07, 2004

EUGENICS WATCH: "Eugenics is not about reproductive freedom. It is, in fact, the antithesis of reproductive freedom because it is essentially concerned with competitive fertility"

Eugenics Archive: "Elements of the American eugenics movement were models for the Nazis, whose radical adaptation of eugenics culminated in the Holocaust"

Mata Hari: "Dutch spy Mata Hari wasn't as important as everyone seems to believe. This week, the British Security Service released the first documents concerning the life and times of Mata Hari. Accused of being a double agent for both the French and German army during the Great War, Mata Hari was executed in 1917 by a French firing squad. "

Pattaya Mail - Pattaya's First English Language Newspaper: "Pattaya witnesses largest ever local Khao Pansa candle procession "

Corriere della Sera - twin cats

Friday, August 06, 2004

Corriere della Sera - �Invent� la lobotomia, toglietegli il Nobel�: "Naturalmente l�entusiasmo dur� poco: un paziente di Moniz, che forse non era stato lobotomizzato del tutto, si vendic� sparandogli alla schiena. E Freeman perse la licenza a operare quando ammazz� una paziente con un colpo di scalpello troppo forte. Ma il Nobel a Moniz, quello, non fu mai tolto. "

Thursday, August 05, 2004

The Copenhagen Post: "One brain researcher says the Danish primary school system is geared toward girls, leaving boys segregated from the beginning of the educational career "

Le Web de l�Humanit�: Impressionnantes fun�railles nationales - Article paru le 5 ao�t 2004: "Impressionnantes fun�railles nationales
La Belgique rendait hier hommage aux 18 victimes de la catastrophe de Ghislenghien"

Incendie tragique en Savoie : sept adolescents tu�: "Incendie tragique en Savoie : sept adolescents tu�s "

La Stampa Web: "Eesposto a Tirana
il mitra che uccise
Mussolini e la Petacci"

Corriere della Sera - Fulmine sulla messa all'aperto: un ferito grave: "Fulmine sulla messa all'aperto: un ferito grave"

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Le Soir en ligne - Cartier Bresson - l'info au quotidien. L'actualit� �conomique, politique et internationale - L'Express: "4 ao�t 1944 - La gestapo arr�te Anne Franck, avec les membres de sa famille, cach�s depuis des mois dans une maison d'Amsterdam. L'adolescente juive a �t� d�nonc�e. Elle sera s�par�e de ses parents et d�port�e � Bergen-Belsen, o� elle mourra du typhus, � 15 ans, quelques semaines avant la lib�ration du camp. Seul survivant de la famille, son p�re fera publier deux ans plus tard le Journal de sa fille, dont elle avait entrepris l'�criture en 1942. Ce t�moignage d�chirant et indispensable est le livre le plus lu au monde apr�s la Bible. "

Georgian president promises to shoot Russian tourists - PRAVDA.Ru: "On the eve of the 'velvet' season Saakashvili advised Russian citizens not to plan any holidays in Abkhazia. 'The territory soaked with Georgians' blood, on which they played football with Georgians' heads, is not a holiday place for so-called Russian tourists,' Saakashvili stated at a press conference on Tuesday night"

Corriere della Sera - Addio a Cartier-Bresson, padre della fotografia: "Addio a Cartier-Bresson, padre della fotografia"

Corriere della Sera - Cicciolina: �Mi candido a sindaco di Milano�: "L'ex pronodiva vuole presentarsi alle prossime elezioni
Cicciolina: �Mi candido a sindaco di Milano�
L'obbiettivo della 52enne ex regina dell'hard: �Mi dicono che la citt� � noiosa, io voglio farla ridiventare eccitante�"

Corriere della Sera - Testato a Canberra un sottomarino lungo 40 cm: "Verr� utilizzato per vari scopi scientifici e militari
Testato a Canberra un sottomarino lungo 40 cm"

Corriere della Sera - La colf � una regina del Ghana: "�Era un segreto, mi vergognavo�
La "

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

SSE: Multimedia: Gallery: Crescent Sun

SSE: Multimedia: Gallery: Earth From Mars

Welcome to the Virtual Aviation Museum!

The collision of Western and Eastern civilizations to result in greatest confrontation - PRAVDA.Ru: "The collision of Western and Eastern civilizations to result in greatest confrontation"

Monday, August 02, 2004

Free the Panchen Lama Homepage

Rock Lyrics : King Crimson : Three of a Perfect Pair: "Model Man
Find this song on Sheet music, CD

look at the signs
look at the symptoms
look at the slight
calm before the storm
I feel the silence
I feel the signals
I feel the strain
tension in my head
well, what more can be said...

not a model man
not a saviour or a saint
imperfect in a word
make no mistake
but I
give you everything I have
take me as I am...
back to top"

Mental disorder on rise in Nepal, warn studies : "Mental disorder on rise in Nepal, warn studies"

Nepal's first women soldiers join army : "Nepal's first women soldiers join army"

Kerala news, National Kerala news,News Kerala,Kerala,Kerala News Portal with Kerala election, Kerala matrimonial, Sports, Kerala Greetings, kerala; Business, Kerala Movies, Kerala Travel, Fashion, Onam: "World News: Kathmandu: Nepal announces bus services to Tibet"

Corriere della Sera - A nuoto da Ustica a Palermo: "A nuoto da Ustica a Palermo"

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