Monday, July 18, 2011
Così Einstein pagò i suoi debiti con l'astronomia
Traggo queste interessanti considerazioni dal libro fresco di stampa “Dio non gioca a dadi. L’eredità di Einstein: spazio, tempo e materia” edito da Hoepli (205 pagine, 17,90 euro), una sintesi divulgativa della teoria della Relatività e delle sue implicazioni astronomiche e cosmologiche. Ennesima sintesi divulgativa, si potrebbe dire, ricordando che ne circolano molte e che lo stesso Einstein sentì il bisogno di scrivere un libro per spiegare in modo semplice la propria teoria e allargare un po’ quella cerchia di cinque persone che, forse ottimisticamente, supponeva fossero in grado di capirne a fondo il contenuto
I due debiti contratti da Einstein con l’astronomia sono stati pagati con gli interessi.
yes, Spinoza god does not play dices
and churches are still profiting of citing Einstein out of contest
considering also that Spinoza was practically excommunicated
by the religious judeo-christian world of the times
the traditional religious need of a "personal" god
has origin into the cult of personality of socialism
there is the owner and the worker
the father and the son
the priest and the sinner
the "interest slavery" and the "debtor slave"
anything that goes away from this submission
mines at the base the principles financing the biggest fraud of any time
"institutionalized religion"
maybe Einstein overlooked the case of quantum mechanics
or, most likely was intentionally misquoted for the purposes
as he was misquoted by religious establishment in other cases
since quantum mechanics may perfectly fit the Spinoza model
and so does the dices example
the citation may be out of contest and lack some unknown details at our time
sure enough a prime principle of the universe, or a "unified system"
as does not play dices,
won't play the stock exchange either,
as the godly christian banks do
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