Monday, July 18, 2011
Nove impegni per la crescita
«Vede, Governatore, le cose in Italia si possono fare solo quando la casa brucia!»: fu questa l'accorata esclamazione con cui Giuliano Amato – allora presidente del Consiglio – accolse l'allora Governatore della Banca d'Italia Carlo Azeglio Ciampi quando questi andò a Palazzo Chigi in quelle ore roventi della crisi del settembre 1992.
di adottare misure che segnino un cambiamento nel modo di operare della pubblica amministrazione e restituiscano agli operatori – cittadini e imprese – gradi di libertà e trasparenza nei rapporti con lo Stato
L'innalzamento dell'età pensionabile obbligatorio per tutti a 70 anni
L'Europa adotti eurobond (titoli di debito europeo)
Scossa forte sulle privatizzazioni
Un piano di liberalizzazione di licenze e orari
Definire un patto di stabilità interno effettivamente non derogabile
Aumento delle rette universitarie.
Trasparenza della pubblica amministrazione
Riduzione dei costi della politica
that may provide an explanation of some interesting facts of the Italian history
in the years where the red socialists wanted the chairs of the christos-socialists
until they reached an agreement to share the bread as one, the christos-red
and provide joint populist support to their christos-banking puppet masters
that so well had provided financial help to the red gulags and the kristos holocausts
yes, there is a need for change
but the peninsula has a long history
from the times of little king Francis and the pope king
of always change everything, so that nothing may ever change
OK, lets see, on the sinking titanic best thing to do would have been reducing taxation, surely Mister Astor would have been happier to die, now that he was just informed of the lower taxes
the next one, obviously would have been raising the retirement age, I'm sure Captain Smith would have appreciated this news of 5 years more of service, for him in the afterlife
This seems more realistic, if white lines would have had the possibility of emitting extra bonds, possibly would have bought better quality rivets, and could have possibly been able to afford full size compartiments and a sufficient number of sloops
here there would naturally emerge a question, of weather the "surviving" bankers had made more money with the titanic sinking, versus if it would have reached destination, whereas is rumored, most likely due to the opposition of the richest one of them (that sank with the titanic), the federal reserve would have possibly never existed, and without it, possibly would have not both the 1st and 2nd world wars, "and" today's crisis, the ones who know, please tell us more
possibly a good maneuver, but by the time titanic could have been offered for sale,
at the bottom of the Atlantic, in pieces, nobody cared to make an offer
yes, they did not try that on the titanic, and possibly they did so on purpose, to kill more people in the third class
that, they tried, but the panic took over
by the time the ship started sinking, there was no more demand for education
and the transparency of white lines was not really the main concern of the passengers
surely enough, by sinking with 885 crew members, the accounting entry for fixed costs of white lines was definitively reduced
and we should add, at the benefit of all those who were home collecting their 30K euro a month of retirement, and of all the others their masters, part of the big wall street company of the kristo-freaks in the banking racket business for god
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