Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Animal Homosexuality

Monday, September 27, 2004

L�ultimo orrore di Baghdad
il traffico di organi umani"

Le Quotidien Permanent du Nouvel Observateur - La mort de Fran�oise Sagan - "Ce qui manque à notre époque, c'est la gratuité. Faire quelque chose pour rien, c'est grisant. Notre époque est trop matérialiste et trop exhibitionniste, avec ces gens qui racontent leur vie à tous les échos et se complaisent dans la réalité. L'imagination est la seule vertu qui nous reste. Et peut-être la première des vertus",

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Keep Nepal Free

PARALLEL UNIVERSES: "There is no question that there is an unseen world. The problem is how far is it from midtown and how late is it open"

La Stampa Web - Gran premio di Cina
a Shanghai vince la Ferrari
di Rubens Barrichello

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Eurofighter: Lichterbaum im Cockpit - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Asteroid 4179 Toutatis

The Japan Times Online - moon-shine

Pattaya Mail - Pattaya's First English Language Newspaper

LEXPRESS.fr - Hommage � Sagan - Sagan et nous - L'Express: "Apr�s la mort? �Il n'y a pas grand chose � voir, ni vie pass�e, ni couloir, ni lumi�re. C'est une chose tr�s plate, assez m�diocre...�"

"Bonjour tristesse, tristesse adieux ..." - E' morta Fran�oise Sagan

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Genuine Edelweiss Flowers

Le Quotidien Permanent du Nouvel Observateur - Jeanne : le bilan d�passe 1.000 morts

The Korea Times : 3 Parties to Scrap Security Law: " 3 Parties to Scrap Security Law"


RUSSIA MAKES IT FUNNY: "5. How cool would the advertising campaign be if the well-known slogans were used to advertise...Condoms!!!

Condoms 'Nokia' - 'Connecting people!'
Condoms 'PEUGEOT' - 'Games are over!'
Condoms 'Blend-A-Med' - 'Triple protection for the entire family!'
Condoms 'McDonald's' - 'I'm lovin' it'
Condoms 'L'Oreal' - 'Because you're worth it'
Condoms 'Nike' - 'Just Do It'"

VERSACE: Fashion collection for 2004

NewsFromRussia.Com Modified poppy opens up new frontiers

Corriere della Sera - �Studiamo l'auto volante, sar� pronta nel 2030�

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

SF Gate: Multimedia (image) - burning man 2004

Monday, September 20, 2004

Olympic Classes - Yachte.com.au

Franco Franchi e Ciccio Ingrassia: Due don Chisciotte di Sicilia

La Stampa Web: "Shoah, morta
la scrittrice
Elisa Springer"

Dieci anni senza Rol
l’uomo che sapeva vedere Oltre

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Dassault Mirage IV - l' instrument de la Force de frappe

Saturday, September 18, 2004

PostCultural Blues - Emerson-citater

Give me liberty or give me death - PRAVDA.Ru: "There is another famous quote by Patrick Henry ' Give me liberty or give me death'. Sometimes you get both."

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Charges brought against Beslan terrorist on 9 articles of Russian Penal Code - PRAVDA.Ru

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

KoreaTimes : [The Dawn of Modern Korea] (213) The Plane Truth: "On Sept. 21, 1953, Lt. No Kum-sok of the North Korean air force flew his MiG-15 to the South"

Peace Corps assignment takes Hosterman to Asia

La vignetta

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Corriere della Sera - E' morta la cantante Giuni Russo

Monday, September 13, 2004

Flight Sim enquiry raises terror alert | The Register: "Flight Sim enquiry raises terror alert"

Corriere della Sera - Ohio, l'ombra del Ku Klux Klan dietro un incendio

Terrorists down Russian Mi-24 helicopter in Chechnya - PRAVDA.Ru

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Corriere della Sera - comparsa di una strana nube a forma di fungo - giallo in Corea

Morto il Patriarca di Alessandria

Friday, September 10, 2004

Corriere della Sera - La sonda europea trova l'acqua su Marte

Corriere della Sera - Il robot che si autoalimenta mangiando mosche

Thursday, September 09, 2004

La Stampa Web: "Usa: baby killer
ex ergastolano
torna in carcere"

Photo Reports - Olympic athletes compete in eroticism

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Abe Lyman's California Ambassador Hotel Orchestra

Ahura Mazda

Northpark Acura Mazda - Jackson Area - Ridgeland, Mississippi

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Daily Zen Meditation: "Mind has no color,
Is neither long nor short,
Doesn�t appear or disappear;
It is free from both purity and impurity;
It was never born and can never die;
It is utterly serene.
This is the form of our
Original mind,
Which is also our original body" - Hui-hai (8th cent)

Monday, September 06, 2004

Recensioni su "La carit� di Giulia": "E' la storia, rigorosamente autentica, di Giulia De Marco, terziaria francescana, che nel primo Seicento fond� a Napoli una congregazione di 'carit� carnale'. Scommessa teologica, paradossale interpretazione della fede, o perversione sessuale? I padri dell' Inquisizione, che la giudicarono su denuncia dei Teatini, non ebbero dubbi e la condannarono"

La Stampa Web: "chi non rimpiange l'Urss non ha cuore, chi la vuole ricostruire non ha cervello"

Corriere della Sera - Cellule staminali guariscono bimbo talassemico

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Colpo di stato: "Giovannino Guareschi"

Spectral evidence - encyclopedia article about Spectral evidence. Free access, no registration needed. What does Spectral evidence mean? What is Spectral evidence? Provided by the Free Online Encyclopedia.

The Salem Witchcraft Trials

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Switching off" an insect's body clock can make it more virile

The bloody week of ignorance - PRAVDA.Ru

Friday, September 03, 2004

Explosive Detection Dogs

Thursday, September 02, 2004

LEXPRESS.fr - Le tigre tha�landais - Tha�lande-Birmanie: les r�fugi�s de la jungle - L'Express

Corriere della Sera - Captato segnale spaziale, forse di origine aliena: "Captato segnale spaziale, forse di origine aliena"

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Corriere della Sera - Nepal: in fiamme la moschea di Katmandu

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