Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Offensiva hacker contro Onu e Usa

Violati i database di diversi stati tra cui Canada, India e Sud Corea «E' il più grande attacco informatico della storia»

Questo spiega perchè Aperovitch parla di «un Paese» dietro l’operazione, perchè a spiare organismi di questo tipo non si ottengono benefici finanziari.

Esaminando la lista degli obiettivi rivelati, (molti nel rapporto non vengono citati esplicitamente), tra cui l’azienda di sistemi militari Usa Lockeed Martin Corporation, si capisce che gli intrusi erano alla ricerca di informazioni sensibili sulla difesa, e anche sulle comunicazioni satellitari, sull’elettronica, sulle compagnie petrolifere.

well, while it gets to a strategic attack
it may start as an underground trade
and as insignificant break-ins to assess vulnerabilities
and sell them on underground markets
this makes a vulnerability out of a "steady" use of architectures
and makes an advantage for the ones that operate on images

in second instance, there must be some sort of connection in the past
that makes "perpetual" history a necessary requirement
to perform post-mortem analysis
then, there must be also some sort of financial transaction at the base
at least in the "exploration" phase of the targets
where "plausible denial" is less plausible and less deniable
so the same requirement of "perpetual" history is becoming a necessity
in tracking the banking world

in third instance the problem is in the solution
and reaches the concept and nature itself of currency
the whole strategy of monetary transactions may need an overhaul
one way is "expiring" currency in a time period
another is making it nominal
the third is making it virtually recorded and traceable
so at the opposite of today
"everybody" can check who spends what from where
"but" only one name linked to the unit of currency can use it for anything


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