Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Deficit, niente fondi a chi sfora"

«In futuro - scrivono i leader delle due principali economie europee nella missiva - i pagamenti provenienti dai fondi strutturali e di coesione dovranno essere sospesi nei Paesi della zona euro che non si conformeranno alle raccomandazioni della procedura sui deficit eccessivi».

Un cambiamento nelle regole che, aggiungono, dovrà «essere integrata al nuovo regolamento dei fondi strutturali e di coesione che saranno proposti per il prossimo quadro finanziario pluriannuale», dato che queste risorse finanziarie fornite dall’Unione «devono puntare al miglioramento della competitività e alla riduzione degli squilibri negli Stati membri a cui sono indirizzate raccomandazioni nel quadro della procedura concernente gli squilibri eccessivi».
«tutti gli Stati membri della zona euro il cui livello di indebitamento eccede il livello di riferimento» fissato dal Patto di stabilità (rapporto debito/Pil al 60%) presentino «entro la fine del 2011» un «piano di riduzione del loro debito al di sotto del livello»
precisino «come terranno conto dell’impatto dell’invecchiamento della popolazione sulla sostenibilità del debito a lungo termine».
Il messaggio franco-tedesco contiene inoltre tutte le proposte annunciate ieri nella conferenza stampa conclusiva del vertice a Parigi: la creazione di un «governo» per la zona euro, che tenga «riunioni regolari»; il «rafforzamento della sorveglianza e dell’integrazione delle politiche di bilancio», sotto forma di un obbligo di includere un vincolo di pareggio nelle 17 Costituzioni nazionali; la «proposta comune di tassa sulle transazioni finanziarie».

Su questo ultimo punto, in particolare, i ministri delle Finanze dei due Paesi hanno annunciato che presenteranno «all’inizio di settembre» una proposta congiunta di messa in atto ai propri omologhi europei. Ribadita inoltre la richiesta a Van Rompuy di assumere, per il primo mandato da due anni e mezzo, l’incarico di presidente del nuovo organismo di governo economico della zona euro.
Nessun accenno, invece, alla questione degli eurobond, le emissioni obbligazionarie comuni dei Paesi dell’area euro, a cui ieri Sarkozy e la Merkel si erano detti decisamente contrari.

Un’ipotesi su cui, ha dichiarato da Bruxelles il portavoce della Commissione europea Oliver Bailly, la porta non è ancora del tutto chiusa, anche se «non è una soluzione per i problemi di oggi» sui debiti sovrani. «Abbiamo sempre affermato - ha spiegato - che questa ipotesi è interessante e promettente, e va certamente nella direzione di una futura integrazione economica».

there you are, took 3 days to figure out
good choice, weather the cast likes it or not
they will have to dig themselves out of the hole
they put themselves and the country in
notice it sais "increase" of competition capacity
and "reduction" of unbalances
60% is a first step, to be reached within 3 years
but even 60% can not be sustained in a contracting economy
"and" the forecasts don't indicate "anywhere"
a "short term" solution to the peak "depression at the cube"
the "next" objective target should be in steps towards 20% of GDP
in another 3 years
and finally to "zero" public debt by 2020

a rigor policy should include "a fair usury rate"
to be applied in the whole community,
fixing a cap at a reasonable spread, such as 5% over prime rate
and a strict law on "maximum fees" such as 0.33% for each occurrence,
to permit healthy enterprise to borrow without becoming prey of the banking sharks,
next measures to eliminate private ownership of "central banks",
elimination of "currency signorage",
legislation that makes mandatory a maximum public budget
to allow a maximum of 5% of interest per fiscal year
"and" public budget "within" the "target percentage" of total debt
for the same fiscal year,

next, the public administration branches whereas the consolidated budget
goes over the 100% of the prevision budget, get penalized
through "demotion" of "one administrative level" for the management
"for each fiscal year"
"up to" based on the gravity of the action,
"instant termination" and "in solid responsibility" for the budget excess,
"other than" reduction of the budget of the branch
of 10% fine, "plus" the excess spending for the next fiscal year,
the above measures should reduce the cost of government
of approximately 25%, whereas the funding is coming part from
eliminating public agencies the world famous 10% shortcut to play with budget
eliminating public "signorage" and "usury" gifts
to private banking sharks, which being "enterprise"
"should not" be aided "in any way" towards their losses
as in the spirit of "the real free market"

next is a measure practically obliged
of "sanitizing" the pension system
first of all, mandatory by law "one national pension system"
no "sons of the white duck" with independent funds
no accumulation "if still before retirement age"
no accumulation "if still working"
no "orders" privileges
no more "early pensions", the world can not afford them any longer

if you are "already retired" and less than "seniority" age
"you go back to work",
your choice of demotion of one administrative rate
(necessary for retraining costs and loss of readiness)
with your old administration,
or "you find a job by yourself"
and collect your pension at legal retirement age
"and fix legal retirement age in one number"
"for the whole European Community"
"early retirement" lower percentage at 62
"late retirement" full benefit at 67
these "inevitable" options in the case of Italy
could represent a saving of 8% of budget

next the "industry in crisis"
where the "public intervention" to avoid bankruptcy
should "mandate" a 1000% energy efficiency increase
and if production does not align to the new capacity
"should not" be aided "in any way" towards their losses
as in the spirit of "the real free market"
whereas the public industry
"outside" of strategic needs
should be alienated and privatized 100%
reaching consistent savings both in maintenance costs of structures
and, more importantly, of "fixed costs"
(while the alienation of real property would reduce debt principal)
next any company and professional
"must" be reachable "and observable" "directly" by video-cam
by the tax offices
"and" required to post taxes via banking transaction,
instantly "at the time of payment"
"using the online bank access of the 'registered' business account"
finally, the 3 million people illegal (Italy, 12 million Europe):
-the ones who can prove with "multiple" records
to have entered the country before 3 years ago
have to list all their employers and sources of income
for the whole time they have been in the country,
"and" are regularized "at the cost of the employers"
"and" the employers are held fiscally responsible "in solid"
for the entire period, of any "fiscal" and "social" omissions
-the ones that can not prove anything have to apply for a visa
and get deported if not approved, together with the ones
responsible of penal crimes for over 100K Euro
"regardless of immigration eligibility"
the above maneuvers should recover about 20% of budget
"and" set exactly the public budget where is supposed to be
"in the next three years"
"simple", elimination of "children credits"
tax of twenty thousand euros for new births,
"eliminating the government debt", eliminating parasites
such as "eliminating usury", eliminating "useless crimes",
eliminating "useless governance",
funding public "advanced technology, "reconstruction", and advanced "research"
over "elimination of useless government structures"
such as 75% of regions, 25% of provinces and 76% of commons
"alienating real estate" to pay off the debt "principal"
and increasing automation and efficiency
"tenfold" (also known as 1000%)
introducing free "mandatory" birth control
for all young below 21 years of age
introducing voluntary assisted suicide laws
taking population growth down to "minus" two percent a year
good solution as long as
has the "power" and the capacity
of devaluation of the Euro when necessary
to maintain world competitiveness
well, this should be done sooner or later
is an issue of both credibility "and" reaction capacity
however in the mean time if the common debt is not feasible
compensation should be used to reduce all the countries exposition


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