Sunday, July 03, 2011

Marida Lombardo Pijola: «Vi racconto
le baby donne di oggi nutrite da un regime»

Percepisco un ritorno a una condizione di schiavitù delle donne in generale.

Perché sono condannate a sembrare più grandi, a travestirsi da donna quando sono molto piccole, condannate a rimanere per sempre giovani. In realtà non comprendo cosa può aver degradato la cultura della dignità del corpo femminile che sembrava avesse conquistato una legittimazione irriducibile dopo le battaglie degli anni settanta, successive all’ingresso della donna nel mondo del lavoro. Anche se il famoso soffitto di cristallo non è mai stato sfondato mi chiedo cosa di questo regime abbia agito così in profondità, da riportare la donna non solo indietro di decenni, ma in una condizione ben peggiore.
Allora la discriminazione della donna confinava con il suo ridurla al ruolo di madre e di nutrice. Insomma di soggetto destinato ontologicamente a prendersi cura della famiglia o dell’educazione dei figli. Invece oggi viene ridotta a un pezzo di carne, oggetto di baratto, con la funzione di procurare piacere agli uomini in cambio di favori. Una condizione di degrado generalizzato di prostituzione e di mercimonio.

I perceive a general return to slavery, and in a certain sense anthropology teaches us
that females in reproduction age have an advantage in such society at collapse,
since are the one that are not destined to die of starvation
because the slave master culture needs them as breeders of young and strong slaves

The "regime" that has brought back not only little women but all the people
not part of its oil mafio-christo-banking conspiracy,
is the regime of "currency" and legalized usury (or "interest"),
this is nothing else than an effect of the concept of "market" on human flesh

The reason of why this happened is because we all have let it happen, thinking
that there could have been greater prospective in the future on the base
of the falsified data presented to the public opinion
by the architects of the same oil mafio-christo-banking conspiracy
back then the world was ruled by the same mafio-christo-banking conspiracy
just with slaves instead than oil
and the same the woman was property of her master, weather farmer
or courtesan or tradesman, perfectly encased in the social pyramids
of the established inheritable privileges
with the benediction of the white guy with the skirt
and his fantasy man in the skies who forgive sins

today the woman or the man are property of their masters as well
either controlled by slavery of job loss intimidation
or controlled by slavery of debt
or controlled by the sinners who's sins have been forgiven
and who would not hesitate to assassinate anybody as a favor
to the fantasy man in the skies and his earthling mobsters

in some Asian cultures, who are mostly pagan and more spiritualist
than our filthy sex obsessed hypocrite monotheism of business convenience
actually a symbolic compensation for a sexual event
is expected as a courtesy
and has nothing to do with prostitution
is actually accepted and expected as a compliment

on the other hands those are cultures not obsessed versus sex as we are
they have the Buddhists and we have the Christians
because they chose first, like in the joke :)
so to make a long story short
is more free he/she who can sell himself/herself and keep the profits
than the ones that are sold by the mafio-christo-banking racket
where they get the skim


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