Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Il declino non è obbligato
è il numero esplosivo dei ventenni che non studiano e non lavorano, un pezzo di generazione futura che sta immobile e rischia di essere perduta per sempre.
Da qui dobbiamo partire, da quei due milioni e centomila cittadini tra i 15 e i 29 anni che non fanno nulla. Sono oltre il 22 per cento dei giovani italiani, non hanno alcun reddito ma non li vediamo sotto i ponti perché vivono degli stipendi dei genitori, delle pensioni dei nonni e dei risparmi delle generazioni che li hanno preceduti. Una società di adulti che si sente in colpa perché non è stata capace di creare anche per loro un’occasione accetta in silenzio che vivano in una triste vacanza perenne, peggiorando così la situazione
C’è chi, per levarsi un peso dalla coscienza, sostiene che queste nuove generazioni non valgono granché, sono disinteressate, distanti e apatiche, in fin dei conti la colpa è loro se sono chiusi fuori.
Nei curriculum che arrivano a questo giornale ogni giorno sono sempre di più quelli dei disoccupati che hanno una laurea, un master e parlano almeno due lingue: hanno fatto tutto quello che gli era stato chiesto e hanno avuto famiglie che hanno investito su di loro. Se non c’è spazio non possiamo colpevolizzarli, dobbiamo cominciare a creare nuove opportunità, allargare il mercato del lavoro sintonizzandoci sul mondo che è cambiato a gran velocità e far cadere muri e barriere.
E dovremmo vergognarci di aver fatto uscire dal mercato del lavoro 800 mila donne, che hanno avuto la grave colpa di aver messo al mondo un figlio. Non solo non aiutiamo fiscalmente in modo serio le famiglie, ma rendiamo impossibile ad una madre conciliare lavoro e maternità. Un altro segno che va contro la natura.
Il declino non è una strada obbligata, l’Italia è piena di energie, di intelligenze, di persone che fanno sacrifici e sforzi, ma questi giacimenti positivi faticano sempre più a trovare uno sbocco, una direzione, una declinazione dell’idea di futuro.
we could have free education "and" re-training for all
if we were able to transfer 75% of education on line
but we do not want the new and the future
"the cast" looks only into preserving privileges and status quo
they want to keep a past that is a nonsense just for personal interest
next, we could have deregulation and elimination of licensing costs
elimination of stupid privileges and professional association
of which the only purpose is complicating simple problem and enforce corruption
with useless costs, useless requirements and useless politics
we could completely deregulate licensing for any activity
below 100,000 euro a year
we could create incentives for creation
of cooperatives, professional services and small manufacturing and trade labs
but we do not want the new and the future
again "the cast" looks only into preserving privileges and status quo
doing business in Italy is a nightmare,
this is the "reality" Rome does not want to acknowledge
and with no business there is little economy and there will be no economy soon
next we could reduce the middle age bureaucracy and transfer governance on-line
unify cities and provinces
and pose a limit of a minimum 20,000 people area for each city council
closing down all the government tits suckers from 200 people cities
then we could transfer city and province government 75% on-line
we could reduce the city buildings to a minimum
and have a library and coffee in every center
where the ones that don't have access to wide band
can work and study
next we would need a national plan of transport
we need to be able to increase the efficiency of railroads and sea freighters
we need to eliminate road heavy transport
we need private transport capable of 300 miles range per gallon of fuel
whatever it takes, we need the national industry to convert to ultralight transport
on the land, in the air and on the sea
finally we need a national plan of welfare
we need "not" "charity" that the cow with the golden tits pays with taxpayers money
we need a logistic society where basic needs are guaranteed by a public logistic system
we need to build domes instead than brick and concrete boxes
we need studios instead than apartments and houses
we need social messes where people eat on industrial scale food supply and service
are we intelligent enough to possibly conceive the solutions ?
I'm sure most are
are we going to do anything about it ?
I'm sure not, we are talking about the country of the "cast" under the pope king
are we intelligent enough to possibly see the danger of not finding solutions ?
the reality is that being an emperor did not save the tzar and his family
from being massacred in order to guarantee grand profits to bankers and oil companies
the reality is that being a genius
did not save Giordano Bruno for being burned in the name
of the perfection and the temporal empire of the pope king
the reality is that being wealthy
did not save the Jews from the ovens in some countries where they ran out of money
the reality is that being the legitimate population of the American nation
did not save the American Indians from being massacred in what can be defined
an all christian American under god and wall street bankers genocide
so at the end my crystal ball
seems to indicate that as it happened before in the kingdom of Naples
possibly we are going towards an age where the cast of the forgivers of the sins
will resort to the worse forgiven sinners to enforce their holy power
and at that point the citizen will be spoiled of any right and property
by bandits at the service of god and the temporal power
and maybe eliminated directly in holy extermination camps
like with the Eustachian
or maybe eliminated by proxy with the interception
of another man of the providence
or another guy with the thin mustaches in a battle for god like the blues brothers
so that the profits of the godly bankers
of wall street under god
and their puppet-masters and partners, the christian churches
can continue collecting their holy skim
amun (ra)
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