Thursday, December 24, 2009

FEATURE: When chaos replaces oil
Peter Lloyd is preparing for a ghastly future. The world he foresees is one in which it will cost $700 or $1000 to fill the family car - if petrol is available for private use.

It will be a world in which the scarcity and expense of oil, widespread pollution, environmental ruin and climate change will bring down modern civilisation in terrible anarchy as countries go to war over oil, fresh water or arable land; as ordinary people try to adjust to living primitive lives without the medicines and technology that support their lives in the 21st century.

Dr Lloyd, an anaesthetist at the Hawke's Bay Hospital, estimates about 80 percent of the world's six billion people will die of hunger, disease or "slaughter on a scale never before seen in history".

New Zealand will be one of the best places to be while all this unfolds, he says, because although it will take some refugees from Australia and the Pacific Islands, it is geographically too isolated to be invaded and over-run by hordes from Asia, Africa and Europe.

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