Monday, September 28, 2009

Visiting Brussels after Kabul, I found only one issue dominating the buzz at NATO headquarters, and it was this: The U.S. has become so much more technologically advanced than any of its NATO allies that America increasingly doesn't need them to fight a distant war, as it demonstrated in Afghanistan, where it basically won alone, except for small but important contributions from Britain, Canada and Australia. And when you add to that the unilateralist impulses of the Bush team -- which instinctively doesn't want to fight with aid from allies who might get in the way or limit America's room for maneuvers -- you have many, many people in Brussels asking whether NATO nations can ever fight together again.

... should have been closed a long time ago ...
... the argument of america winning in afghanistan seems a bit overrated ...
... so far the whole NATO is not getting anywhere there ...
... but I'm sure wall street can use the first opium economy in the world ...
... next they'll figure how to invade colombia ...
... so they can control the first cocaine economy in the world ...
... that may make you wonder what they smoke for breakfast in wall street ...
... may you all live interesting times ...

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