Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thus the two problems beg a solution, a solution that is linked and limbered to each other as few others can be. With well over 1.5 million members of the farming class, in America, facing or experiencing failure or at best, just barely hanging on, Russia can offer an outlet of abundant land for these masses.

Several initiatives will make this possible. Russia should offer these farmers twenty acres a piece and allow them to buy more for hard cash, no loans. It should then attach with this a mandatory one year road to citizenship, free transportation of the farm equipment and animals from the US to Russia and a low interested fixed rate loan for building (where needed) a homestead and starting capital for the first year's season.

In exchange, these farmers will agree to several conditions and will in turn provide key benefits. The first issue is loyalty. To assure this, immigrants and their families will agree in writing to take up Russian citizenship within 1 year of arrival. Before immigration takes place, they will be given six months to learn a set minimum fluency in the Russian language and Russian history/culture.

... interesting idea ...
... if they can find enough socialist farmers ...

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