Thursday, June 18, 2009

In the film industry, Linux has won. It's running on practically all servers and desktops used for feature animation and visual effects. met monthly in Hollywood for years, but now rarely meets.

Linux is used to create practically every blockbuster movie in theaters today, movies produced by Disney/Pixar, DreamWorks Animation, Sony, ILM, and other studios.

Linux is the most popular operating system for big budget feature film animation and visual effects, with more than 95% of the servers and desktops at large animation and visual effects companies. People outside the film industry, and even inside the industry sometimes, don't realize that Linux is so big at large studios. Linux is the norm in Hollywood and considered the state-of-the-art. In this upside-down world where Windows and Mac are minority operating systems, Linux evangelists would be hard-pressed to find anyone left to convert. The free operating system built by the people for the people has been embraced foremost by film studios.

... now it will take another 15 years ...
... for the "geniouses" in government to find out about it ...

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