Wednesday, May 06, 2009

'This Year Will Bring a True Sea Change'

US media expert Jeff Jarvis is predicting a massive shift in the American media market this year -- the death of print newspapers across the country. In an interview, he explains why he believes the future for serious journalism lies with Web sites like Twitter and Google News.

The closing in February of the Rocky Mountain News in Denver, Colorado is the first in what is expected to be a wave of dying newspapers in the United States.

The closing in February of the Rocky Mountain News in Denver, Colorado is the first in what is expected to be a wave of dying newspapers in the United States.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: How did you inform yourself about what is going on in the world this morning?

Jarvis: I checked my Twitter account and several sites online. But my wife still likes to read the print version of the New York Times, and I saw a story on our local paper's front page about a swine flu case in our hometown in New Jersey. That caught my attention, of course. '

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