Wednesday, March 04, 2009

In 1935, SCOTUS slapped down the Congressional give-away of its legislative authority in Schechter Poultry Corporation v. US (295 U.S. 495). After citing the basic tenets of the Constitution's Article 1, the court ruled, "The Congress is not permitted to abdicate or to transfer to others the essential legislative functions with which it is thus vested."

Some were quick to apply that SCOTUS ruling to the Federal Reserve. There were howlings, political explosions, and much noisy gibberish -- and then every criminality of the Federal Reserve simply continued.

(Make a note. That 1935 SCOTUS ruling also applies to Congress' unconstitutional transfer of its exclusive war powers to Bush, prior to Bush's unconstitutional invasion of Iraq. For that unconstitutional transfer, all 373 assenting members and senators are co-conspirators in the felony conspiracy against our soldiers' rights to be sent to war ONLY at the expressed order of Congress. For his invasion order, Bush and his admirals and generals round out that felonious pack of co-conspirators, as defined in the federal statute, 18 USC 241. Felony forfeits all immunities, legislative, executive, and judicial. All of them should have been criminally prosecuted immediately after the illegal invasion. Because that felony violation of our soldiers' rights has resulted in death and maiming, penalties can include life imprisonment or death -- as specified in 18 USC 241.)

... interesting times ...
... the puppet masters regime at work ...

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