Friday, October 12, 2007

As for the government, Prime Minister Romano Prodi's centre-left coalition cabinet is made up of 103 members from nine parties, even more than the 98-member team of his right-wing predecessor Silvio Berlusconi.
Not that Berlusconi scrimped in other areas. He had 81 bodyguards during his last stint as prime minister, from 2001-2006.
Authors Sergio Rizzo and Gian Antonio Stella were as surprised as anyone by the success of "The Caste."
"It was bought mainly by families, so it reached a large readership, which is rare for non-fiction," Rizzo said at the Corriere offices here. "Its success reveals a need for change."
Italy has the most lawmakers per capita among large Western democracies: one per 60,371 compared with one per 66,554 in France, 91,824 in Britain and 112,502 in Germany.
"Like a frog, the Italian political class is swelling, swelling, until it explodes," the 51-year-old Rizzo joked.
"Italian politicians have lost their moral compass. Some situations have become unacceptable," he added.

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