Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ettore Majorana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The Italian writer Leonardo Sciascia has summarized some of the results of these investigations and these hypotheses in his passionate book La Scomparsa di Majorana (Einaudi, 1975 - English translation: The Moro Affair and The Mystery of Majorana, Carcanet, 1987, ISBN 0-85635-700-6). However, some of Sciascia's conclusions were refuted by certain of Majorana's former colleagues, including E. Amaldi and E. Segrè. The various hypotheses on Majorana's disappearance have been extensively discussed by Erasmo Recami in his book 'Il caso Majorana: Lettere, testimonianze, documenti' (Di Renzo Editore, Roma, 2000) and in a journal article (E. Recami, 'I nuovi documenti sulla scomparsa del fisico Ettore Majorana', Scientia, vol. 110, pp.577-588 (1975); English version titled 'New Evidence on the Disappearance of the Physicist Ettore Majorana', Scientia, vol. 110, p. 589 ff. (1975)). In the above-mentioned book and article, Recami discusses critically the various rival explanations concerning Majorana's disapparance, including those advanced by Sciascia in his short book, and presents highly suggestive evidence to the effect that Majorana absconded to Argentina."

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