Sunday, June 27, 2004

Yahoo! Groups : IndianComicsIrregular Messages : Message 51 of 98: "This is Nicholas Longo, the CEO of CoffeeCup Software. As you may
have heard the World Trade Center and Pentagon were attacked about
45 minutes ago.

The Team at CoffeeCup would like to send our heart felt sorrow to
those that perished in these attacks.

We would like to also say on record that if any country is found
responsible for these attacks, we call for that country's complete
destruction and annihilation.

What? Why stop with just annihilating a few million innocent
people? Why not destroy the whole continent? Perhaps the whole
hemisphere? Maybe if we killed every human being who isn't an
American, we'd finally be safe.

Of course, it would be ironic if this attack, like the Oklahoma City
bombing, turned out to be the work of America's freedom-loving
'patriots.' Then we'd have to annihilate ourselves. Ooops."

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