Friday, September 28, 2007
"We now have a younger generation and middle-age generation who are going to think about national politics through the Bush-Clinton prism," said Princeton University political historian Julian Zelizer, 37, whose first chance to vote for president was 1988, the year the first President Bush was elected. And as for the question of fatigue, Zelizer added: "It's not just that we've heard their names a lot, but we've had a lot of problems with their names."
And now, if Hillary Clinton were to be elected and re-elected, the nation could go 28 years in a row with the same two families governing the country. Add the elder Bush's terms as vice president, and that would be 36 years straight with a Bush or Clinton in the White House.
Already, for 116 million Americans, there has never been a time when there wasn't a Bush or Clinton in the White House, either as president or vice president.
... we are waiting for the date of incoronation of the emperor of the amerikas to be determined ...
... not sure if the pope may be holding the cerimony LOL ...
... there is a lack of new emperors in the west, since Napoleon ...
# posted by intcoex : 11:53 AM

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
antelope cobbler
# posted by intcoex : 10:27 PM

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
"Imagine" (John Lennon)
# posted by intcoex : 2:25 PM

impact, eruption, or both ?
# posted by intcoex : 2:16 PM

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
... well, there is probably some truth, on the conflict of interest, forced by the "unformal" pressure of the hosting country ...
... a really functional UN would probably need to be in a really "non alligned" Country, with proven levels of human right sensibility, with no "skeletons in the closet" and without any "blamishes" of human right abuse in their history, like Iceland, or Norway, places that do not wage wars and revolutions on their own, and consequentially don't have any vested interest in interfering with the operations of the UN ...
... that would make neither of US or Venezuela, and many more in the list, elegible ...
# posted by intcoex : 1:22 PM

... demokracy in amerika ...
# posted by intcoex : 12:33 PM

Monday, September 17, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
It’s Official: The Crash of the U.S. Economy has begun
Among those poised to profit from the crash is the Carlyle Group, the equity fund that includes the Bush family and other high-profile investors with insider government connections. A January 2007 memorandum to company managers from founding partner William E. Conway, Jr., recently appeared which stated that, when the current “liquidity environment”—i.e., cheap credit—ends, “the buying opportunity will be a once in a lifetime chance.”
The fact that the crash is now being announced by the Post shows that it is a done deal. The Bilderbergers, or whomever it is that the Post reports to, have decided. It lets everyone know loud and clear that it’s time to batten down the hatches, run for cover, lay in two years of canned food, shield your assets, whatever.
Those left holding the bag will be the ordinary people whose assets are loaded with debt, such as tens of millions of mortgagees, millions of young people with student loans that can never be written off due to the “reformed” 2005 bankruptcy law, or vast numbers of workers with 401(k)s or other pension plans that are locked into the stock market.
In other words, it sounds eerily like 2000-2002 except maybe on a much larger scale. Then it was “only” the tenth worse bear market in history, but over a trillion dollars in wealth simply vanished. What makes today’s instance seem particularly unfair is that the preceding recovery that is now ending—the “jobless” one—was so anemic.
# posted by intcoex : 8:21 PM

Sunday, September 02, 2007

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