Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Appel pour la lib�ration de la journaliste Judith Miller, ETATS-UNIS: "
Appel pour la lib�ration
de la journaliste Judith Miller "
Appel pour la lib�ration
de la journaliste Judith Miller "
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Vers une liste noire des compagnies douteuses, AVIATION: "Vers une liste noire
des compagnies douteuses
NOUVELOBS.COM | 23.08.05 | 17:27
Le Commissaire europ�en aux Transports affirme que le Parlement europ�en va voter un r�glement permettant de lister les compagnies douteuses."
des compagnies douteuses
NOUVELOBS.COM | 23.08.05 | 17:27
Le Commissaire europ�en aux Transports affirme que le Parlement europ�en va voter un r�glement permettant de lister les compagnies douteuses."
Boing Boing: Pastafarianism: Flying Spaghetti Monster cult grows: "Friday, August 19, 2005
Pastafarianism: Flying Spaghetti Monster cult grows "
Pastafarianism: Flying Spaghetti Monster cult grows "
Times Online - Times 2: "A bio-terror attack is inevitable: are we ready?
Steve Boggan
Every prediction says it's not a question of if, but when we face a chemical attack. Are we ready?"
Steve Boggan
Every prediction says it's not a question of if, but when we face a chemical attack. Are we ready?"
Iran Focus-News - Terrorism - Rushdie fatwa reaffirmed by Iranian leader in message to Mecca pilgrims: "Rushdie fatwa reaffirmed by Iranian leader in message to Mecca pilgrims Thu. 20 Jan 2005
The Independent
By Danielle Demetriou
The spiritual leader of Iran has reaffirmed the fatwa against the writer Salman Rushdie in a message to Muslim pilgrims."
The Independent
By Danielle Demetriou
The spiritual leader of Iran has reaffirmed the fatwa against the writer Salman Rushdie in a message to Muslim pilgrims."
Venezuelan officials said Robertson's remarks were "a call to terrorism," and demanded President George W. Bush condemn his political ally and fellow Christian conservative. But Chavez, who was winding up a three-day visit to communist ally Cuba, told reporters he didn't care about Robertson. "I don't even know who this person is."">Politics News Article | "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative U.S. evangelist Pat Robertson called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, but top U.S. officials denied on Tuesday that any such illegal act was being contemplated.
Venezuelan officials said Robertson's remarks were 'a call to terrorism,' and demanded President George W. Bush condemn his political ally and fellow Christian conservative. But Chavez, who was winding up a three-day visit to communist ally Cuba, told reporters he didn't care about Robertson. 'I don't even know who this person is.'"
Venezuelan officials said Robertson's remarks were 'a call to terrorism,' and demanded President George W. Bush condemn his political ally and fellow Christian conservative. But Chavez, who was winding up a three-day visit to communist ally Cuba, told reporters he didn't care about Robertson. 'I don't even know who this person is.'"
Thursday, August 18, 2005 Top Worldwide: "Reverend Dennis Rader Sentenced to Life Terms for BTK Murders in Kansas "
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Russia to acquire two Scorpio submersible vessels after the mini-sub accident - PRAVDA.Ru: "Russia to acquire two Scorpio submersible vessels after the mini-sub accident"
Britain, UK news from The Times and The Sunday Times - Times Online: "How triple bypass caught out man with three wives"
America, United States, Times Online, The Times, Sunday Times: "The spam king pays �4m for freezing up Hotmail"
Sunday, August 07, 2005
SPIEGEL's Sex Weekend: "Inside Deep Throat" Reexamines a Smut Classic - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News: "Some of his persecutors -- as shown in the documentary -- are still holed up in their offices and complain that, at the moment, the damned terrorists are taking up all their time"
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Free Choice Saves Lives - About UNFPA: "About UNFPA
UNFPA (the United Nations Population Fund) is a life-saving program that works in the poorest countries of the world preventing HIV/AIDS and providing maternal health care and family planning services to women and girls in need."
UNFPA (the United Nations Population Fund) is a life-saving program that works in the poorest countries of the world preventing HIV/AIDS and providing maternal health care and family planning services to women and girls in need."
Liberty 7 and human cloning: ". Between 1907 and 1963, more than 60,000 persons were sterilized under state involuntary sterilization laws. See PHILIP R. REILLY, THE SURGICAL SOLUTION: A HISTORY OF INVOLUNTARY STERILIZATION IN THE UNITED STATES 94 (1991). Consciously modeled on the United States's program, the Nazi sterilization program soon eclipsed similar American activities. From 1933 to 1945, the Nazis sterilized an estimated 3,500,000 people. See id. at 105-10."
Die Zeit - Politik : "Ich w�nsche mir Demokratie": "�gyptens Staatspr�sident Mubarak kandidiert f�r eine f�nfte Amtszeit. Doch selbst seine W�hler halten nicht viel von ihm"
La UE amenaza al Gobierno de Ir�n con denunciarlo ante la ONU si reanuda su programa nuclear - - Internacional: "
La UE amenaza al Gobierno de Ir�n con denunciarlo ante la ONU si reanuda su programa nuclear"
La UE amenaza al Gobierno de Ir�n con denunciarlo ante la ONU si reanuda su programa nuclear"
Nine babies found buried in flower pots - World - Times Online: "Mother denies murder of babies found in flower pots"
Un cimeti�re profan� dans le Pas-de-Calais, VANDALISME: "Un cimeti�re profan�
dans le Pas-de-Calais
NOUVELOBS.COM | 02.08.05 | 13:09
Quarante-deux st�les ont �t� renvers�es dans un cimeti�re militaire britannique du Pas-de-Calais. Hamlaoui Mekachera exprime son indignation. "
dans le Pas-de-Calais
NOUVELOBS.COM | 02.08.05 | 13:09
Quarante-deux st�les ont �t� renvers�es dans un cimeti�re militaire britannique du Pas-de-Calais. Hamlaoui Mekachera exprime son indignation. "
La Stampa Web: "Arabia Saudita: oggi i funerali di re Fahd
Sar� un funerale sobrio,
per l'Italia interverr� Pera"
Sar� un funerale sobrio,
per l'Italia interverr� Pera"
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