Sunday, November 28, 2004
AEI Conference: "Senator Pressler, N.D., lost his re-election campaign after sending a fund raising letter to Indian-Indians reminding them that he had blocked the shipments to Pakistan; it instigated massive Pakistani-American donations to his opponent who then won the election. (re: delivery of f16 fighters)"
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Times Online - Britain: "The �6m secret factory that churned out thousands of fake Viagra tablets
By Sam Lister
Police found the hub of one of Europe�s biggest counterfeit drugs rings at a Wembley trading estate"
By Sam Lister
Police found the hub of one of Europe�s biggest counterfeit drugs rings at a Wembley trading estate"
Friday, November 26, 2004
Patty Pravo - Biografia - "Patty Pravo, la ragazza del Piper "
Thursday, November 25, 2004
F.S.: " - Fermata Piramide"
la Piramide Cestia - Roma - Guida Web Roma -: "La Piramide Cestia
Anche Roma ha la sua piramide d'epoca romana. La piramide � la tomba di Caio Cestio Epulone, morto nel 12 a.C. e ricordato dalla storia soprattutto per la maestosit� della sua sepultura."
Anche Roma ha la sua piramide d'epoca romana. La piramide � la tomba di Caio Cestio Epulone, morto nel 12 a.C. e ricordato dalla storia soprattutto per la maestosit� della sua sepultura."
animals: "Old Condor
Rome � The world�s oldest living condor, named Romeo, died at age 71. He had been donated to the Rome Zoo by Benito Mussonlini in 1932, as a mate for a female named Giulietta given to Italy by Chile the previous year. Romeo and Giulietta never reproduced. She died in 1998, aged 72"
Rome � The world�s oldest living condor, named Romeo, died at age 71. He had been donated to the Rome Zoo by Benito Mussonlini in 1932, as a mate for a female named Giulietta given to Italy by Chile the previous year. Romeo and Giulietta never reproduced. She died in 1998, aged 72"
Monday, November 22, 2004
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Humor Break: "Jerry Falwell"
The Black Baron and the Pyramids of Tibet - The Mysterious Pyramids of China: "In his psychic readings, Cayce made many references to an ancient civilization in the northwestern area of China. According to Cayce, this civilization existed long before what is presently considered to be the origin of Asian civilization. New evidence related to the discovery of huge pyramidal mounds in China suggests that Cayce? readings may be right and the origins of Chinese history may be pushed back thousands of years"
La Stampa Web: "Checkpoint Charlie "
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Corriere della Sera - La Commissione Ue �condanna� Ryanair: "A rischio il modello economico del vettore a basso costo
La Commissione Ue �condanna� Ryanair
La compagnia aerea dovr� restituire parte degli aiuti ricevuti dalla Vallonia per l'utilizzo dello scalo di Charleroi"
La Commissione Ue �condanna� Ryanair
La compagnia aerea dovr� restituire parte degli aiuti ricevuti dalla Vallonia per l'utilizzo dello scalo di Charleroi"
Corriere della Sera - L'idea di Ryanair: gioco d'azzardo sugli aerei: "L'Ad O'Leary: �Nessuna restrizione, il cielo � spazio internazionale�
L'idea di Ryanair: gioco d'azzardo sugli aerei
Se il progetto andr� in porto, i passeggeri potranno ingannare il tempo scommettendo e pagando con carta di credito"
L'idea di Ryanair: gioco d'azzardo sugli aerei
Se il progetto andr� in porto, i passeggeri potranno ingannare il tempo scommettendo e pagando con carta di credito"
Monday, November 01, 2004 - La tornade Sarkozy - Religions, R�publique, int�gration: Sarkozy s'explique - L'Express: "Rupture, parce que les hommes politiques, depuis le d�but du XIXe si�cle, ont veill� � s�parer le spirituel du temporel"
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