Monday, May 31, 2004
L'Express - La conservation du patrimoine: "Les g�ants �clips�s du Roi-Soleil" - Article: Why Are Calico Cats Female?: "Why Are Calico Cats Female?"
Albert Einstein quotes and quotations - BrainyQuote: "You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat.
Albert Einstein "
Albert Einstein "
ChristStory Cat Page: "ChristStory Bestiary"
KoreaTimes : 11 Counties Vie for Nuclear Waste Site: "11 Counties Vie for Nuclear Waste Site" Lockheed L-1011: "Lockheed L-1011 3-Star"
The Korea Herald : The Nation's No.1 English Newspaper: "3-way labor negotiations revived "
George Person: My advice to President Putin - PRAVDA.Ru: "George Person: My advice to President Putin"
Sunday, May 30, 2004
Governo Italiano - Dossier - Raduno_mondiale_f104: "Raduno mondiale F104 e Manifestazione aerea"
Coscienza e percezione del rischio: "Non ho mai visto una nave in difficolt� sulle rotte che ho percorso, non ho mai visto un naufragio n� sono mai stato coinvolto in uno io stesso, e neppure mi sono mai ritrovato in una situazione che minacciasse di trasformarsi in un disastro��
Il 14 Aprile 1912, dopo aver drammaticamente sottovalutato una situazione di grande rischio, il comandante Smith affond� con la sua nave. Era il Titanic"
Il 14 Aprile 1912, dopo aver drammaticamente sottovalutato una situazione di grande rischio, il comandante Smith affond� con la sua nave. Era il Titanic"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "La perfection est atteinte non quand il ne reste rien � ajouter, mais quand il ne reste rien � enlever"
Saturday, May 29, 2004 - June 1, 2004: "Israel's military to establish secure cellular network for voice, data communication "
TimeBomb 2000 - [WAR]Iran -'Our Missiles Are Ready to Strike at Anglo-Saxon Culture...: "'My Jihad is bigger than your Jihad'"
Disaster in Darfur - PRAVDA.Ru: "Disaster in Darfur
05/29/2004 14:07
Greatest humanitarian catastrophe passes unnoticed."
05/29/2004 14:07
Greatest humanitarian catastrophe passes unnoticed."
Friday, May 28, 2004
Women Children's Book Illustrators--Mabel Lucie Attwell, 1879-1964: "�I see the child in the adult, then I draw the adult as a child . . .�" "Stalin Biographical Chronicle"
OPPI�S WORLD - Zeitpunkte - Biographie - Otto Hahn: "Otto Hahn"
Alan Gardiner: "Sir Alan H. Gardiner "
La Stampa Web: "Anche il Papa ha voluto ricordare il �generoso impegno umano e professionale� di Umberto Agnelli �che molto si � prodigato per rilancio industriale dell'azienda�."
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Jeri Fink | authorship � education � technology � mental health: "Put the pieces together and you'll land in a place that most people have a tough time accepting: there's no such think as pure female and pure male"
KoreaTimes : Credit Defaulters Reach 4 Mil.: "Credit Defaulters Reach 4 Mil."
KoreaTimes : Gender Equality Minister Chi Eun-hee, fourth from left, holds hands with other woman leaders around the world during a ministerial roundtable of the Global Summit of Women 2004 at Lotte Hotel in Seoul Thursday.: "Gender Equality Minister Chi Eun-hee, fifth from left, holds hands with other woman leaders around the world during a ministerial roundtable of the Global Summit of Women 2004 at Lotte Hotel in Seoul Thursday. Among them is Irene Natividad, fourth from left, president of the summit"
KYODO NEWS: "N. Korea may be getting missile test data from Iran: U.S. official"
KYODO NEWS: "1 bil. yen deposited in accounts of man linked to Dumont"
The Washington Times: Associated Press: "Pakistan, the key country implicated in a worldwide black market nuclear network, had been thought to be the source of the 1.87 tons of uranium hexafluoride handed over to the Americans in January as part of Libya's voluntary decision to rid itself of weapons of mass destruction.
But 'now, we believe that it might have been' North Korea who supplied the substance, said one of the diplomats. 'It's a definite possibility.'"
But 'now, we believe that it might have been' North Korea who supplied the substance, said one of the diplomats. 'It's a definite possibility.'"
U.N. missions painted as booze-soaked orgies - The Washington Times: World - May 27, 2004: "A spokesman for the publisher, Miramax Books, said the company is not bound by obligations between the United Nations and the authors. "
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Strangers Among Us: "Strangers Among Us - ostrowski"
Monday, May 24, 2004
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Immanuel Wallerstein - A left politics for the 21st century?: "Systemic Transition
What does it mean to say that a system enters into systemic crisis? It means that the secular trends are reaching asymptotes that they cannot cross. It means that the mechanisms that have been used up to that point to return the system to relative equilibria no longer can function because they require moving the system too near to the asymptote. It means, in Hegelian language, that the contradictions of the system can no longer be contained. It means, in the language of the sciences of complexity, that the system has moved far from equilibrium, that it is entering into a period of chaos, that its vectors will bifurcate, and eventually a new system or systems will be created. It means that the 'noise' in the system, far from being an element that can be ignored, will come to the forefront. It means that the outcome is intrinsically uncertain, and is creative."
What does it mean to say that a system enters into systemic crisis? It means that the secular trends are reaching asymptotes that they cannot cross. It means that the mechanisms that have been used up to that point to return the system to relative equilibria no longer can function because they require moving the system too near to the asymptote. It means, in Hegelian language, that the contradictions of the system can no longer be contained. It means, in the language of the sciences of complexity, that the system has moved far from equilibrium, that it is entering into a period of chaos, that its vectors will bifurcate, and eventually a new system or systems will be created. It means that the 'noise' in the system, far from being an element that can be ignored, will come to the forefront. It means that the outcome is intrinsically uncertain, and is creative." Wall-to-Wall Wal-Mart: "Wal-Mart Stores would rank 30th in the world, right behind Saudi Arabia"
Saturday, May 22, 2004
WorldNetDaily: The great betrayal: "The great betrayal"
The U.S. and the Genocide in Rwanda 1994: The Assassination of the Presidents and the Beginning of the "Apocalypse": "The U.S. and the Genocide in Rwanda 1994"
Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact: "The Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact"
Millions of Secrets ( "Green Pastures for Reich?
Word at the White House is that Otto Reich, who was given a recess appointment as assistant secretary of state for Latin America after he failed to get Senate confirmation and has been more recently White House special envoy for Western Hemisphere initiatives, is leaving next month for greener, possibly much greener, pastures."
Word at the White House is that Otto Reich, who was given a recess appointment as assistant secretary of state for Latin America after he failed to get Senate confirmation and has been more recently White House special envoy for Western Hemisphere initiatives, is leaving next month for greener, possibly much greener, pastures."
Techdirt:Find Your Stolen Goods On eBay: "It appears that the police are finally catching on. In New Jersey, two local thieves were arrested after the local police had the bright idea to log onto eBay and search for the stolen goods."
Stolen Goods Found On eBay: "A Williamsburg/James City County man was robbed and found his stolen goods on eBay. Rusty Richards is an admitted eBay junkie, but incredibly it was that hobby that helped him find two chain saws that had been stolen from the Jamestown 4-H camp where he works"
What will Latvia's KGB archives reveal - PRAVDA.Ru: "According to Zalite, 'imposing a ban on former KGB agents to get any governmental positions and be a candidate in an election campaign for 10 years is already a good punishment for the sins of the past. Making this information public today is unfair to all those people who simply played by the government's rules.'"
Friday, May 14, 2004
La Stampa Web: "Spagna, arrestati 5 sospetti membri di Al Qaeda "
Galeazzo Ciano: "Galeazzo Ciano"
Pravda.RU Crater reveals new evidence of the Great Dying: "Crater reveals new evidence of the Great Dying"
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Saved by the miracle - PRAVDA.Ru: "Saved by the miracle"
La Stampa Web: "Molti cominciano a pensare che se la tv mostrasse senza filtri le conseguenze reali di un incidente o di una bomba, alla lunga diminuirebbero gli incidenti e pure le bombe. Qualche malevolo, addirittura, sostiene che non le mostri proprio per questo." :)
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Chinese Air Force Looks To Russia For More Fighters, AEW Aircraft: "Taran po-Amerikanski"
NASA - World's Fastest Man Remembered: "World's Fastest Man Remembered"
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Me 163B 191454 'Yellow 11'
La Stampa Web: "Ormai gli Ogm sono estesamente coltivati nelle Americhe e dilagano anche in Asia, fra pochi anni se ne nutrir� circa la met� della popolazione mondiale e soprattutto il Terzo Mondo dove il vero aggressore � la fame."
European GMO Campaign: "zoning of areas into GM and non-GM (regionalisation), "
Impact Lab - Contamination Rampant in Genetically Modified Crops: "Contamination Rampant in Genetically Modified Crops"
Monday, May 10, 2004
Les �v�nements du monde des arts et des spectacles sur "Sardou : �Pas tout � fait le m�me� " - Die Another Day (2002): "Die Another Day (2002)"
Cicciolina: " She wasn't the first female member of the Italian Parliament, but she was doubtless the most famous internationally"
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Review and Revision (Volume 20 number 5): "Like the Flying Dutchman, the St. Louis, the Hapag liner that carried Jews from Europe to Cuba -- and back again -- in 1939 seems to be popping up everywhere these days"
Six Days to Defeat the Arabs: "Israel prepared a letterto Johnson assuring him that Israel,in the shorthand of U.S. ambassadorWalworth Barbour, �has no, repeat no,intention [of] taking advantage of [the]situation to enlarge its territory"
Saturday, May 08, 2004
X-Win64 Becomes First 64-Bit PC X Server for Opteron Systems (LinuxWorld): "X-Win64 Becomes First 64-Bit PC X Server for Opteron Systems"
Alan Cox hails 64-bit Linux - ZDNet UK News: "Alan Cox hails 64-bit Linux"
Friday, May 07, 2004
Milano, manichini impiccati:
ora riposano malconci al chiuso
Il sindaco Albertini �Una provocazione d'artista� "
Milano, manichini impiccati:
ora riposano malconci al chiuso
Il sindaco Albertini �Una provocazione d'artista� "
Monday, May 03, 2004
Guardian Unlimited | Arts news | Royal Observatory sets sights on new star attraction: "In 1675 Charles II built the Royal Observatory 'within Our Park at Greenwich', with every possible expense spared"
Sunday, May 02, 2004 - Shock, outrage over prison photos - May 1, 2004: "Ann Clwyd, Blair's envoy and a lawmaker from the ruling Labor Party, voiced her condemnation. 'I think they are absolutely terrible. I am shocked,' she told British radio. However, Clwyd said there was no comparison with how prisoners were treated under Saddam Hussein. A small number of cases, horrible though they are -- you cannot compare that with the tens of thousands of people Saddam Hussein was responsible for executing and torturing,' she said."
Saturday, May 01, 2004
The New Landscape of Imprisonment: "The New Landscape of Imprisonment"
New Zealand News - World - UK Govt dossier decribes torture, rape and killing in Iraq: "under Saddam Hussein's regime, women lack even the basic right to life,' citing a 1990 decree allowing male relatives to kill women in the name of honour"
KYODO NEWS: "Kyoto teahouses open riverside seats for summer "
Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition) : Daily News in English About Korea: "When China Coughs, Does Korea Catch a Cold?"
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