Sunday, August 07, 2011

Rivogliamo l'America che non si vergogna di un presidente cowboy

Potevano farlo, visto che avevano appena brindato per i tagli al Pentagono, un ridimensionamento netto della capacità di comando degli Stati Uniti nel mondo, il primo di due colpi micidiali a quel possibile ordine mondiale da sempre imperniato sulla forza imperiale americana.
Alla fine del secondo mandato di George W. Bush, il cui consenso domestico si era progressivamente incrinato, America e mondo occidentale subirono gli effetti di una crisi da crescita fatta di follie della finanza privata legata, anzi impiccata, ai debiti collegati ai farlocchi incrementi esponenziali di valore degli immobili: improvvisamente niente liquidità e recessione, logica dei salvataggi di Stato incentivata dal fallimento sinistro della Lehman Brothers, esplosione del debito privato delle famiglie convertito nel tempo in debito pubblico (causa prima del finale colpo d’artiglio di Standard & Poor’s). Era l’autunno del 2008,
l’America era cresciuta per anni a ritmi vertiginosi sul fondamento di un ruolo sempre decrescente dello Stato fiscale, Wall Street aveva divorato con la nota voracità sia il ricordo della bolla tecnologica, la «new economy» che ha fatto più morti e feriti di una guerra persa, sia la memoria dolente dei tremila ammazzati delle Twin Towers. Alla base di quella fase di prosperità, che ovviamente incubava nuove possibilità di crisi, c’era una leadership univoca, forte, neoreaganiana, con le sue scelte di ordine mondiale (Afghanistan, Irak, guerra al terrorismo, unilateralismo strategico).
Perché quella dell’autunno del 2008 era una crisi da eccesso di ricchezza alla Schumpeter, distruzione creativa, mentre quella di questi mesi sembra proprio essere la crisi di un capitalismo impoverito, senza energia, senza una bussola, incapace di far funzionare il meccanismo del fallimento e dunque succubo di tutti i fallimenti da salvare.
gli mancano gli stivaletti da cowboy, il passo ispirato dell’americano che ha fiducia in sé e in nessun altro. Non sottovaluto i pregi di un presidente elegante e cosmopolita, ma ho una nostalgia canaglia di Bush, dei tagli fiscali in profondità e della crescita americana al 4 per cento. C’è crisi e crisi, questa è particolarmente avvilente.

not really, the "architects" of the "new world order"
"as intended in wall street"
are banksters and godly crooks
with their political puppets "of both parties"
their agenda "mass population extermination"
"famine" wars of resources
to protect their holy "not negotiable interests"
yes GW Bush consent went down to the ground
after 8 years of his administration "sank" the American economy "on purpose"
it was a "silent coup" to re-establish the "infinite growth"
of 300 "holy banksters families"
all the issues with the banks that exploded at the end of his administration
were created "during" his administration
all the "fake values" of the real estate bubble that collapsed with him
were created during "his" administration
"at least for 65% of the value"
it was "a plan", and still is a plan of banksters "interests" dictatorship
they "tried" the silent coup and they were partially successful
"today" US left wing is "more right wing" than Eisenhower right wing
a "silent putsch". welcome to the US fourth Reich

on the other hands,
"honestly" we can assume that both concurred in different percentage for the balance
if we keep in consideration the failure of "both" administrations
to reduce oil dependency "and" unreasonable procreation
but this guy is "as holy" as GW, so there you go
holy oil depletion, holy demographic dementia,
the kristos god takes care of making you all go bankrupt
for the glory of his holy architects and scribes, "them"
but "he loves you", and more of all god loves "your money"
the issue of the debt is a "myth"
the debt, even at low rates, has a doubling time
in the US case "about" ten years
now if you never cut spending, to cut down "the principal"
the default sooner or later is inevitable
and this has not been done from the part of "neither" parties
the line of this two disgraced parties
is "if you dont let us waste money on our skim programs"
we cut your pensions
"just like everywhere else", is a "farce" or a "fraud"
"politicians and their information lacche' are just puppets"
of the holy banksters and the kristos-krooks alliance
they are there to perpetuate the holy cow with giant tits
that fills the pockets of their buddies with shark public appropriation
and most of all "usury"
you must be kidding us
if you just "were living" in the US from 2006 to 2008
you would probably be more careful over "twisting reality"
it was "panic" and emergency measures "never" used before "in history"
the oil went to 147$ a barrel
the DOW went down to 6500
some cities in the US had unsold housing inventory "for 300 years"
Mr. Ferrara, "you must have been living on the moon"
from 2006 to 2009
if you want to try to be "intellectually honest"
then you "will have to acknowledge"
that at the opposite of your theories
the US growth "stopped suddenly" under GW Bush
and "he is the start of the fall" as you can see from the chart
"and" this is not a prediction, but a simple analysis of the chart
if it goes the same way as per the other two
"it wont grow" for another 20 years at least
"and", since now we have peak everything as well
all the scenario points to "collapse" of the west before 2020
that's the same thing the tea party lunatics state
in the Kristian Koalition Klan grand plan
they want to make the US in the Fourth Reich
"for the same reasons"
the US government has now concentration camps for 10 millions people
the "fiscal cuts" of 30 years had "one only effect"
take down the US national state and destroy the middle class
to favor the US Jekyll island Wall Street holy skim
"one world government of the banksters"
one more note, be careful what you wish for
macro-economy is not "instant" as micro-economy
because of reserves and various adjusting monetary tricks
a third GW legislation would have brought the US to 1992 USSR level
now if that is what Europe may hope in
then be prepared to be "all" bankrupt
and managed by the Chinese
because when the US sovereign debt will go down
the European sovereign debt will come down with us within two years


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