Tuesday, August 09, 2011

La sorella di Balotelli: "Potrei votare la Lega"

«La maggior parte degli stranieri è contro Bossi -continua Abigail Barwuah- anch’io da piccola pensavo fosse cattivo e razzista, ma crescendo ho capito che non è così. Vorrei spiegare agli stranieri che la Lega non è contro nessuno. Dice solo che chi è in Italia a non fare niente è meglio che torni a casa sua: lo penso anch’io. Quelle persone che fanno vita da clandestini, senza documenti, si possono trasformare in assassini e ladri»
Lui mi ha detto: ’Dicono che sono razzista, ma sono amico di tuo fratello'. Poi sono stata anche in vacanza a Ponte di Legno e mi hanno presentato l’onorevole Davide Caparini». E infine: «Vivo in Italia da 12 anni, anche se non ho ancora la nazionalità. Dal mio accento si capisce subito che sono bresciana, ma sono nata in Ghana e non rinnego le mie radici. Mi sento africana».

well, with a bit of fairness
somebody that worked 10 years
and is in trouble because the economy is down the drains
possibly should have the right to stay
and maybe even free access to schools
to increase his marketability

also, here we need to keep in consideration "family members"
who is going to hire 55-60 years old grand fathers and grand mothers ?
especially when their children are citizens
if their kids are working or doing something productive
and most of all "legal"
if their kids are integrated
possibly they should have the right to stay
and maybe even free access to schools
to increase their marketability as well
in the limits possible at that age

finally, what about the "tragedy"
of the little ones
than often don't even speak the language
of their country of citizenship
you want to send them "home" at 25 ?
in a country they are citizens of but have at times never seen ?
please, let's be "reasonable"
this people need help, not demagogues

"but" there is some truth in the problem
the ones who "never" held a job
or that "nobody knows where their income comes from"
or that have criminal pending charges
probably should be sent home

"and" the employers that abuse of illegal immigration
"also" really co-responsible of this whole disaster
and their "invisible employees", should be forcibly regularized
"and both" handed a 10 year retroactive bill

"also" we "think" to be like northern Europe
but the reality is way different
unfortunately this is the republic at limited sovereignty
under the pope king
ruled by bigotry instead than by modern law
some sort of the christos integralist country

so "legitimate" works in Italy may become crimes
and the League has proven to be a party of bigots
the modern version of the Christos democrats"
kissing the donkey of the church at any instance
and more concerned about crucifixes than the destiny of the nation

two simple examples
mobile sellers, possibly in the US would be all "legal"
sex trade, possibly in half countries of Europe would be all "legal"
but again, under the bigot state "the sins" make everybody panic
anyhow, no I will not vote for the league
cant' even get a legitimate answer from presumed "friends"
actually, will not vote at all
"until" the ministry of foreign affairs is "overhauled"
to "provide services" to the Italians abroad
instead than adding "useless" bureaucratic burdens
and wasting their time

after you have been abroad 20 years
nobody knows where some of the documents
they "need" for a simple change of address are
and since is "their way or no way", then it will be "no way"
"as usual" the office of complication of simple problems
is a "dead weight" attached to the taxpayer lower end
we exported planet wise the model of government
of little king Francis of Naples


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