Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kurt Cobb - Rating Your Energy Thinking

more bad news
US peak coal 2011
world peak coal 2025-2040
"at current consumption", good luck
North America gas peak in 31 years
"at current consumption", good luck
"without even considering the damages of fracking"
now start planting trees
because it takes them a while to grow

Kurt Cobb - Rating Your Energy Thinking Part 2

Kurt Cobb - Rating Your Energy Thinking Part 3

now, this should make a strong statement
in favor of 50% population telecommuting
"but" "we have a problem"
because we are stuck with unsafe distribution systems and infrastructure
and we are stuck with 500W garbage end user equipment
and we are stuck with unsafe garbage software/OS environments
first problem of the servitude to the commerce corporation racket
then, this should make a strong statement
in favor of complete elimination of conventional endothermic transport
"but" "we have a problem"
another result of the servitude this time to the holy oil corporation racket

this also may "never" happen in the US
possibly the US may pitch down 80 degrees from leading power
straight to a third world country
in one step, right around 2050-2075, maybe earlier
because of the "double failure" of suburbia
and the huge distances intentionally designed to kill public transport
and intentionally designed to fill oil companies pockets
more, this whole issue should make a strong statement
in favor of both federalized, decentralized and optimized governance
"but" "we have a problem"
a result of the corruption built into democracies
it is quite unlikely politicians may eliminate
their own useless chairs and various money skims
"however" a "fail" to address infrastructure issues now
to keep chair-warmers, godly crooks and banking sharks privileges and skims
will result in the disappearance of anywhere from 82% to 95% of population
at any time during the century

but to get better, it will have to come down
either with a solidarity social agreement
or with civil war


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